
Thursday, July 30, 2009


lovely village! lovely people (not everyone - just ones i live with)
i love spending time here. we're doing nothing important. walks with Dingo (i love this dog), films on this enormous tv, eating delicious meals and my cousins. my lovely cousins Asia & Piotrek.

on the photo Dingo (and in the backwards Piotrek).
the most beautiful and crazy dog i've seen.

and here me and Asia (the photographer - Piotrek tried to do something from his fingers.... he is mad). This photo is from yesterday - we visited Beskidzkie Morskie Oko. We were walking up a big hill. I was exhausted after 50m walking.

Tomorrow we are visiting Krynica city. I hope it won't be very hot - i hate trips when it's very hot.

More photos when i'll be back home because i don'thave photos from my digi-camera on this computer.

Ohh and i can't wait
Wednesday - i'll probably
see my A. then - i miss him..

Monday, July 20, 2009

cracow! kraków!

few days we ago we planned a trip to cracow. yesterday our plan was perfect! first Marketplace, my favourite Café 'COFFEE SHOP COMPANY', see some Basilicas, Centre For The Documentation Of The Art Of Tadeusz Kantor, Wawel Cathedra, photos next to the Crakow's Dragon, sit somewhere near the Wisła River (Vistula), visit the Chocolate Gallery and go to Crakow's Gallery to maybe buy some clothes from sales;p
of course we confused everything when we arrived!

first.. Cracow's Gallry.. and THE ICE CREAM SHOP!
ice creams were sooo delicious.. so big.. and sooo delicious! i had coconut and a banana flavours. i'm actually in love with the banana one!

here's Asia with her banana and white-chocolate flavours.. mine were better!

Asia was doing photos of me almost all day. i'm scared of the digi-camera from today. seriously!

and the CHOCOLATE GALLERY. i'm sooo sad because it was closed! we walked few kilometres to see this gallery.. and what? they had a RENOVATION! do you understand?! a renovation the day i wanted to go there!

Asia and the dragon agrrrr!

me, Asia and Wawel Cathedra

1. ok, i'll try
2. HELP!
3. yay!

and the second place i really wanted to visit. Centre For The Documentation Of The Art Of Tadeusz Kantor. We were there after 2p.m. and OF COURSE it was open from 10a.m. - 2p.m.
WHY?! Whyyyy..

After this exhausting walk we went to my beloved café.
On the photo my love. My bigbigbig love - big hot chocolate from 'COFFEE SHOP COMPANY' and Asia;p

Now i'm going to bed, i'm very tired.. It was a very nice trip. And a very nice day.
can't wait till Wednesday..
A. ;*

Sunday, July 19, 2009


topic: film

new topic: beast (i have no idea what to do!)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

stuffy day!

we (me and my cousin Asia) have met with Ania today. sweet beers (desperados - yummy!), grass, stuffy air, nice atmosphere :). we were talking about stuff and laughing. ania was talking and talking all the time about what happened on our school trips, open airs etc. - she was introducing my cousin to our school life;p

my lovely cousin Asia (she will kill me because of this photo)

and Ania during a funny history :)

we were sitting there about 1,5h then we went to a shop.. and suddenly (oh maybe not that suddenly) rain! rainstorm! when we got to my home we had EVERYTHING wet! ania stayed an hour (to get dry) and unfortunately she went home (she was late for 3 buses.. no comment;p)

oh! i forgot! i got a parcel! at least! i'm soooo happy (few colorful papers, violet buttons.. other toys and i'm full of happiness). now i'm waiting for some free time alone, to do something for my friends - try to do.

i can't wait to Wednesday! i'll see my A. just for few hours, but i'm very happy i'll see him, next randez-vous with my love will be in August..

A. ;*

p.s. i forgot to mention about my weird relation with Ania. it's seriously weird. i like this girl very much. veryvery much! but every time, when i talk with her i'm stressed. i'm so stressed, that i confuse words, opinions etc. it's very weird! i talk normaly with other friends.. it looks like she is a guru for me or something;p

someone please explain it to me?! PLEASE!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


i'm not afraid of storms.. except this one! it's really horryfiing! lightning after lightning above my block of flats (seriously).

my boyfriend took a photo of a lightning 30 minutes ago.
i hope that he will get home safe and sound!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


it's 31 degreece hot! to hot for going anywhere (except the Pogoria Lake, but i have no time to go there!). tomorrow my cousin Asia is visiting me (for a week!). i have no idea what can we do in this town, i hope i will think out something funny. my alergy is killing me on every not rainy day! i'm starting a war with it. SERIOUSLY. i will defeat it by means of vitamins!

oh, talking about vitamins.. i lovelovelove cherrys!
today, whilst eating cherrys i took some photos:)

and when i was comming back from my grand parents today i picked up some ashberrys (i don't know what for, but they were so pretty - i had to pick up some!)

so lovely colours!

i did't pic up flowers this summer (YET!)

song for the moment: radio

Friday, July 10, 2009


when i was small and cute (long long time ago) i loved cooking scooby-snacks!
i was very bored today, after i came back from my orthodontist.. i was watching tv with my parents.. and thinking what could i do. suddenly my mom reminded me about scooby-snacks! 1second and i was in the kitchen cooking;d i love s-s bcuz they r easy to cook and de-licious!!


song for the moment: radio

Saturday, July 04, 2009

few days ago i have added a photo on the theme was CLOUDS. the photo i added isn't really good, but in the site statute is that you can't add old photos.

this is the photo i have added.

i told you it isn't very good.

and here are photos i would add as if not the statute:) (all photos below are made by means of an analogue)

song for the moment: Psapp - Cosy in the Rocket

Friday, July 03, 2009

New New New!

Another new blog. Hope I will have this one longer. I don't know why I'm writting it in english.. maybe just because it a good exercise for me? Well.. I hope you will like it here! :)