
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Autumn Post + New Hip Bag

Autumn is here! Finally real autumn.. full of colours.. and cold air..  I love this time of year.. well as most of you I love it because the beautiful change it makes in forests and parks.. everything is red, brown, orange and yellow.. Beautiful palette!
The most beautiful forest 'near' my home town is in Olkusz.. my boy's home town. We decided to visit this magical world today and make there some photos of my new creation.. which is:

A week ago I sewed a 2in1 type of bag. It is a Hip Bag as you can see below.. The back of it has special straps where you can put your belt. I also sewed a matching belt from canvas, but I wear it usually with my old black belt which I just love.
Except being a Hip Bag it can also be a simple purse to hold in your hands. Quite a nice idea when you want to look maybe more formal. 
 You can pin out whenever you want the big flowery bow on the front flap, or fix another one to fit your clothes.
 The interior is made of a beautiful flowery fabric.. and as you probably noticed, the exterior is made of my favourite stiff canvas. Lovely fabric. It was supposed to be black, but unfortunately I ran out of black fabrics! ;o
 The size of it? Width - 21cm; height - 14cm and depth - 3cm
 Well it's perfect for my extra large wallet, tissue holder, vanity bag and my phone.

 Of course we are not so serious when we try to make photos.. it's actually very hard not to look stupid and make stupid faces! ;o Everything is sooo soooo funny when we try to act serious!
Of course I'm not the only person who acts stupid in this relationship ;d haha!
Ahh.. we made soooo sooo many photos! I wish I could show you all of them! It would be probably very boring.. but I love every single pic from today's little walk!
This forest is so magical! Hmm.. maybe not for all of you.. but for me it is!
And the only thing I really hate about autumn is that it is sooo freaking cold when you take your jacket off! ;o And you can already feel the smell of winter.. :(

Hope your weekend was colorful.. and full of nice surprises!
My A. made me a big&beautiful something.. but I will show you when I will finish it in 100%..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

etsy favourites vol. 5

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.

and here some video inspiration.. nice, isn't it?


Monday, October 24, 2011

Love for Watercolours

 A looong time ago (about 5 years back) I felt in love with aquarelles (watercolours). Of course I had no opportunity at school to learn how to use them (we only used oil and acrylic paints). Well, in my opinion.. they should teach how to use every media in an art school.. but nevermind.. I just wanted to tell you, that I started learning using them today!

I know that these watercolour pictures below are just killing art.. but everyone has to start somewhere, right? I'm really a beginner in this technique.. and I'm really really bad (comparing to my art school mates..) at painting. so please - be understanding! ;d
of course, colours different in reality.. it's my scanner's fault! :)
First three paintings showed were made from David Bellamy - Watercolour Landscape Course.. and the last one.. I painted from one of my photos..
 I know that the perspective likes and cries.. but I always had problems with it :)
 The second and third paintings are monochromatic as you can see.. just one of the exercises from the book. I wish I had more books about watercolours.. I hate leraning something from the internet..
 Very simple and little (about 10x15cm) paintings.. I hope I will continue learning.. and some day I will create something big and really really amazing..

And now.. I have to make homework for tomorrow's french.. eeek!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Magazine Hanger + Blogger Swap!

 Friday.. friday.. for normal people it's a day meant for parties.. well.. not for me! Last Friday was my little sewing day. I sewed 2 things.. one as you can see is a magazine holder.. I don't read magazines really, but a month ago my dear friend Asia sent me from the United Kingdom two very interesting and colorful issues of Mollie Makes!
It takes ages to finish just one issue (I rather read books). I hate when my magazines lie arround somewhere ex. on my coffee table. Eek! Hate it - so I created a Magazine Holder which hangs on my wall, in my reading corner! :) 
 It looks better in reality.. I think! Oh.. and as I mentioned I created 2 things.. but the second one needs a special outdoor photo session! ;d
 Blogger Swap with Baju-Baju!
photos from Baju-Baju's blog! I couldn't make as good photos as she made!
 Look what I received from Marysia from Baju-Baju!
 It's a wonderful organiser to my bag! Well.. it was supposed to be for my bag, but firstly I don't really have a bag which it will fit.. and secondly.. It looks sooo amazing, I want to keep it in sight!
 Sooo.. actually it's my desk organiser!
 Just perfect for all things which just lie arround my desk 'with no special home' ;p What do I keep in it? Well.. my aquarelles (watercolours), notebook, pencils, pens, little sketchbook.. etc.. Just perfect for all these things! I'm sooo glad I had a swap with Marysia.. she really is a good sewer. But check it out yourself if you don't know her blog yet!

Thank you again for this wonderfull swap! And I really hope you like your little gift! :)
And the third part of today's post.. I am gathering money for a new sewing machine - my parents said that they will give me half of the price! So I really really need to sell my old machine now, to start gathering money! If you are interested, and you are an beginning sewer.. or you just want to learn to sew.. I would like to sell my actuall sewing machine Ɓucznik 2004 Kornelia II
photo found in
If you are interested here is some basic info about :
- price: 200zl
guarantee tyll February/March 2012
- info about the machine here
- and if someone is interested please contact me here:

Thanks for reading! Hope you had a good weekend!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Vintage Blue Set + Tote

 I promise! It's the last wallet set for this month! I won't be boring you with them more! As you can see photoas are awfull.. well.. what can I say. I'm not a photograph, I'm trying my best but sometimes my camera just doesn't cooperate with me.. o.O
Vintage blue flowery fabric.. Looks better in reality..
 And a nice vintage lace.. :)
 Lovely wooden button.. wish I had more of them! :)
 And not a vintage blue lace inside the wallet. I had no idea what to put inside.. and it looked so bald! So I picked this thick blue lace :)
I really really promise It's the last one this month! Now I want to make only notebooks for my shop.. Christmas is close.. (well in mind of people who own shops!) so I have to add some good to my etsy. Hope you will like my new projects! :)


And something super ugly now! Two days ago I had a biiig headache.. but I just couldn't like down and do nothing.. so I started to sew.. something simple.. but omg.. what a bad sewing day was that day! Eeeek! Look what a monster I created!
It's a tote for books which don't fit to my handbag when I go to school.. I really really hate it! I can't believe I made something so crappy! Ehh :( I want to make a new one soon, cuz this one is really.. really.. bad!

What do you think about it? But seriously! ;p


Monday, October 17, 2011

Sewer's Journal

 After a quite long break.. I'm going back to my lovely handmade notebooks! For the past few months, I made only a few of them, mostly private orders.. And now, the time has come to make some new journals!
This one I strted making about a week ago, but I finished it yesterday evening.. As you can see, pages look different than usually.. well.. it was an experiment! And I quite like the effect.. Inside, the pages are creamy.. but as you can see, when you look at the notebook when it is closed.. you can see a little kinda.. rainbow! :)
 It is really a lot of work with colouring pages.. but i really love doing it :) Such big satisfaction when you finish a product.. and you like it :)
 The interior is made of a super cute fabric I received from Jednoiglec. I wish I had it more! I used the last piece of it for this journal! :)
 Oh.. I didn't mention what is on the front cover.. well as you can see there is a spool.. Super simple pink spool.. I think that this notebook is just perfect for a sewer who usually has ideas at the most inapriopriate places.. and has nothing around to write them down! Well this notebook is A5 - so it will fit every bag.
I still don't know if I want to sell it! Why? Well.. I like it and maybe it will be for my little sewing projects.. ehh don't know. For now, it will stay in my basket, where I keep all journals for sale :)

Ohhh and here something funny.. Last Friday.. I painted a little cloud and some rain on my wall.. It's a simple painting.. but it looks so cute! Haha I love it. Perfect for kid's room.. yes - I'm a 21 year old woman who acts very childish.. but shhhh! Don't tell anyone.. ;p
Hope you liked this post! Can't wait t show you some treasures which I found at a flea market this weekend, and something I received from my fellow blogger. But these posts later this week.. Later!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Mysterious Doors

A looooong time ago - about 4-5 years.. I visited with my old friend Kamila Kalwaria Zebrzydowska.. we visited this place because we were taking care of a group of children from bad families.. and we were having art classes with them for few weeks.. well.. one week was for a trip.. and this photo below was made on that trip.
This photo was made by an analogue camera.. and I have developed it by myself in a darkroom :)
 Omg.. I really miss the times when me and Ann were staying late after art classes to develope some photos.. good times :) I really really miss hanging out in the darkroom :)

Taking care of childreen from 'bad' families was really a hard work.. maybe now it would be easier.. but then we were only 16.. it was really a hard work. And sometimes I really miss those little noughty kiddos :)

This photo is participating in Art Piaskownica's PhotoGame! I hope it will make a good impression! :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Set 5 - Delicate

 I know it's getting boring.. but I have no time for sewing now, so I have to show you my older creations! :) One more set left. I hope I will find some time this weekend for my lovely sewing machine :)
Size the same as previous models.
 The interior of the vanity bag is made of canvas.. geeez I love canvas! ♥
 And I also loveloveloveeee big wooden buttons! Like the one used for this wallet :)
 Vintage lace - it's from an old dress.. very old dress :) I can't find laces like this one in shops now.. And even if I find something nice.. it's just too expensive..
 Interior of the wallet is also mafe of my lovely canvas  ♥ 
I really hope you like these sets.. It was really a hard work to create so much of them! Well of course it was super pleasant for me, but making 6 things from the same pattern is sometimes too monotonous, don't you thinkg? And because of that, it's sometimes very very.. tiring.

Today I got a lovely package from a fellow blogger. I just can't wait to show you what have I received! Ohh I just looove swaps!

Have a nice day!

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Elegant Set

 These wallets are getting a bit boring, don't they? If not.. prepare for two more in few days! ;d This one was the first one I made after a loooong break of sewing wallets. It was a tes if I still remember how to create them.
The purse has the same shape as the previous ones. It has a big white lace on the front.
The wallet is also the same size and shape as the previous ones. The button is very big - and looks a bit like vintage, don't you think?
 The lace has an interesting colour.. light vintage pink :)
 And of course.. a flowery interior! I just can't stop sewing flowery things!
 And on two edges inside the wallet you can see two little white laces :)
The back is plain.. 

If some of you would like me to sew you a set like this - contact me here: I realise special orders with big pleasure (always!). Maybe I will sell some day wallets in my etsy shop.. but actually.. I think that my trademark are mainly notebooks :) Maybe when I will have more free time for sewing.. I will add more things to my shop like wallets, bags, pencil cases, vanity bags.. etc.

Ok.. nevermind! I have to go now.. and wash of hairdye from my hair! ;d
Hope you had a nice weekend! And a quite warm one! Yes.. autumn is here too. And I have to admit it's a bit too cold now! ;o


Thursday, October 06, 2011

Red&White + Cloudy Wall Painting + A.'s Blog

 New set. It's the third one.. three more left! :)
The same shape as the previous ones.. The vanity bag/purse has two pockets :)
 The wallet has a big black button for closure.
 There are few pockets for business cards etc. and a zippered pocket for pennies.
 And one pocket under the zippered pocket for your paper money.
 The back is plain, without laces etc. I wanted to create a simple waller for a person who likes stripes.. I know that not everyone loves flowers like me.. so I tried to make some other wallets too;p
Oh and I want to show you what I painted on a super old wooden toilet (not used any more) at my A.'s countryside.. He was painting a wall behind me.. so I borrowed his sprays and started my own work hehe;p Here is my work.. I hope it will make people smile when they will walk next to it;p
Haha.. do you like it?? Yes I know that I made clouds.. AGAIN! But I love clouds and rainbows!! Haha and I couldn's resist to paint that.. It's just a fast work.. and I couldn't use much paint.. They are quite expensive.. and I didn't want to empty them;p If you like works made with spray paint.. hop onto my A.'s blog! He just started this blog but I believe he will make a wonderful site with loads of wonderfull stuff! :)