
Saturday, September 12, 2009


you know what? i hate, i just hate having internet from my housing estate network - for about 3 days now i have internet only for ten minutes every hour, or i don't have it for 5h! my scanner works if it has a good mood - yes my scanner is a typical woman.people from my school are annoying me.. do you imagine a prom WITHOUT a camera? well i can't! i don't really like seeing myself on a video, but hello! people! you have to have a video with memories from this unusual day! even if i have to kill some LADIES from my class, the camera will be! and shut the fuck up! ok enough complaining. im to nervous today.

new school year, fourth class. yay! yay! joupie! fucking thesis (is it right? - praca dyplomowa), fucking annexe, fuckin egzam of history of art and finally fuckin high school finals (with math!). fuck. im complaining again.

the thesis of stained glass - i have no idea what to do, i hope i'll think of something soon.
annexe - one good thing (i think). i'm doing it of caligraphy. we will paint mr. M.'s class.

i was trying to do something from caligraphy today, i didn't do it for a longlong time. and this way (look below) i have never done before. i have to start thinking what to do soon, i hope my partner Aga will also start doing something soon - we have 3 big walls to do.

i should practice types, cuz i'm only good in UNCJAŁA type. omg! so much work this year!
have you ever sniff an quince (pigwa)? my boy got me some yesterday, they smell soooo sweet! i'm in love with their's smell! like candy! they are on my chest of drawers, and when you came into my room, you can sniff this extremely sweet fruits.. the other THING is a decorative pumpkin! next fruit i like, but this one i like cuz it looks nicely weird. ahh i had once a beautiful decorative pumpkin.. it was so unique.. and what? i put it into a box, forgot about it and one day i opened THE box..and the pumpkin was rotten..:(
oh and you know what? im addicted to kitkat bars (mm the new caramel one is delicious) and papers from!

ok enough for today. byebye nice dreams!

1 comment:

  1. każdy chce mieć film ze studniówki, ale uwierz - absolutnie nikt go potem nie ogląda, bo takie rzeczy są po prostu koszmarnie nudne. do swojego podchodziłam kilka razy i nigdy nie wytrzymałam dłużej niż kilku minut. a praca dyplomowa to po prostu 'diploma work.' :P


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