
Sunday, October 04, 2009


here's somethin i'm working on slowly when i have some free time -> i don't have it too much..
and here is a photo from the day i was finishing my paintings from open-air in Kazimierz Dolny, i didn't finished the sunflower painting yet, but i hope i'll do it soon. oh and never, never, NEVER paint for few hours with a terpentine open. i had an awful all day headache! and my room still stinks it! eww!
luckluckluckandluck for all you having the high school exams this year!

1 comment:

  1. co to takiego fajnego fioletowego leży na Twojej podłodze??;> :P

    list wysyłam już jutro :D i nie przeszkadza mi to ze tak mi o nim przypominasz po prostu ja serio nie mam kiedy go napisac.. ale spoko luz :D i mówię Ci ze bedziesz mieć co poczytać :D :P :*


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