
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

christmas is coming!

so, as every Christmas we're doing cookies with my mom, for our christmas tree!

click to make it bigger :)

yesterday I bought a dress for our prom ball! unfortunately it's black. i wanted something colorful, but every dress i was trying on was to big.. only this one here was perfect (almost;p but still perfect;p). we were walking for few hours in Bonarka City Center.. i rather like Galeria Krakowska City Center.. anyway, now i have to find some some colorful accessories. i don't know which colour will i choose, i have few types for the accessories colour.. first one red, second yellow, third blue. hmm month left, hope i'll find everything I want to buy, and i hope i'll buy all the accessories on sales;p (dreams;p)

wish you luck shopaholics! let the sales be with you! ;p

oh and i forgot to mention that im so thankful that my A. still wants to go with me shopping, noone has been with me so long in one shop! congratulations! ;p

and my amateur hobby: a late birthday card for my cousine Asia:)

life is so beautiful after school work (after finishing the annexe), when you don't have anythin to do, and you don't have to think about work for two weeks.. isn't it Ann?

happy lazing IV LP!

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