
Friday, January 01, 2010

HAPPY YEAR 2010! :):)
wish you will spend your New Years Eve with ones you love, dancing, smiling, drinking, eating and having lots and lots of fun!

i'm feeling today so soooo good!!!! i hope i'll go with my A. to the city center to see some people and fireworks;p
i visited my doctor today, and she said I can start eating normal (almost) food!! i'm so happy, you can't imagine how food is important for me;p
now i'm waiting for my A., and we will start eating good things and watching films :) ahh you can't imagine how i'm happy today! so HAPPY! because i don't have to lie in bed!

Big big thanks for my parents for their support, big thanks for my A. for his love and thanks for my friends, that they are still my friends :)

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