
Saturday, January 09, 2010


did you ever saw Harry Potter film? well if yes, you probably remember this little sweets! pretty delicious beans, one colour - one taste! i dreamed about them for few years, and at least, today, i bought them!! delicious! oh except the green one. colour of a .. something from your nose.. and the taste.. like the colour;p yeek;p
today at school? quite nice day. a little laugh. but it's not the same like 2 years ago. people change - i noticed it now. everyone changed.. everyone :) but i'm not telling that we have changed on worse! well, just some of us are worse;p ha! tomorrow (probably) i'm going with my A. for shopping to Cracov (Kraków), hope i'll buy everything needed for our prom!
i'm planning to do something from felt today. probably a cover for my lovely iPod.
nice day!

1 comment:

  1. a co w tym dziwnego, ze tu zaglądam?:)mroczno, czarno, moje klimaty;) a te fasolki zawsze mnie zachwycały w opowieści o Harrym;)


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