
Friday, January 15, 2010


few photos from 2009, photos i like looking at. i know that the third one is weird.. don't worry i'm not thinking about hanging myself;p
and a latern from stained glass, which i have done last year. i like it so much. it isn't very straight, and super artistic, but it's beautiful for me. well all handmade things are beautiful for me! especially works of girls which links are putted in the right lower corner of this site in "codziennie odwiedzane".

i can't find a cheap common calendar anywhere!! so i had to make a quick small one by myself. only for january and february. the cover is from stuff i wanted to throw away, good i didn't. it's not very pretty but i wanted to do it veryveryveryvery quick, colorfull and try to make it older - 30min. i just need a (cheap, A6, day on 1 page) calendar!!!!! :)

tomorrow my class will have a try-out dance for our prom.. with a camera! this will be funny;p

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