
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

hi hi hello!

i decided this year, that i'll try to eat more healthy food. yesterday was THE day i put it into life! in stead of buying lots of sweets, i bought ONE chocolate, some LICZI and a enormous POMELO fruit. it's unbealiveably delishous!! seriously! try it if you have an opportunity to buy it somewhere near your house!
yummy and healthy - i'm proud of myself!

and here is something i started, also yesterday. a portrait of my friend Karolina. i don't really think it look similar to her.. but i'm planning to change it, and finish it some day.. hope that i'll do it in the close future;p

at least after a week not seeing eachother, my A. visited me. Only few hours, but i'm so happy because of it. ah.. love.. love.. changes people.. or maybe.. it takes from inside of us the REAL person.. love.. love..

wish you a nice, creative night!

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