
Friday, May 21, 2010

after oral exams

i am sooooooooooooooooooo happy and excited! i'm after all my final exams! and i have soooo good results from all oral exams!! omg you can't imagine how happy i am! today's exam was great! the examinators (two super nice and cheerful ladies!) were great! and i'm soooo happy i was talking in english after a very long break! after i got out of the oral exam, and i was waiting for the result i was smilling all the time because of the super nice and funny conversation we had! ahh i'm soooo happy! now i'm just waiting for 4 results from written examinations. i hope i'll pass everything and that i'll have a good result from the written advanced english examination! omg i'm actually so excited! and my summer holidays started today after leaving the school! level of my excitation is soooo big! i don't know what can i do right now! haha!
thank you all! ;d


  1. JA Ci powiem co będziesz robić - spać do góry brzuchem! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ale ja mam co robic! (i szczerze nie rozumiem ludzi ktorzy sie kiedykolwiek nudza;o).. bede robic wszystko i nic jednoczesnie! haha;d tylko chodzilo mi o to, ze nie wiem co bede robic w momencie po napisaniu posta, bo nie moge uwierzyc w wakacje! w pozwolenie na nic nie robienie! haha;d


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