
Saturday, June 26, 2010


a week ago my teacher phoned me.. and told me to contact with a goy from a super famous firm PERGAMENA. So i did like she said. During the phone conversation he invited me and two other girls from my class to the pergamena premises (siedziba?). One friend, the one who i was doing the annexe with after her wedding forgot about the whole world (in the bad meaning) and she doesn't care about anyone or anythin now. And i thought she was a good and really nice girl.. Anyway, I visited this firm with Sybilla (interesting name, isn't it?) and.. quess what.. Did you hear about a super famous event of 600th ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF GRUNWALD? An event known in the whole Europe? Well i'll be working there as a girl writting name and maybe some dedication on certificates from pergamena! It's isn't a super simple job, i hope that my wrist won't fell off! I'll be dressed in a Middle Ages dress;d. The job has two faults: the first one - small earnings and the place where the battle will be is far far away from my hometown. It's about 6-8h of driving. But it will be an interesting adventure :) we will be sleeping in a big Middle Ages tent, there will be a lot of performances and it is a chance for me.. a little chance.. i would love to work in this firm. I know i'm just an amateur comparing to the people who work there.. but it woul'd be a dream come true if i could work there!! That's why i'm exercising my hand writting, i hope i'll exercise it every day for few hours. Five days of writting names on certificates, 8-12hours a day.. it could be very tiring.. But it is a chance i couldn't miss!! My sewing machine has to wait  bit for me now. I have to paint a little girl's room and then i'm going on 15th July to this event :). Ok.. now some photos :)

These are the certificate i'll be writting on
and my exercises.. uncjal and gothic handwritting fonts.. :)

hope you like it.. all the handwritting is super croocked for speciallist.. but i'll get better!!


  1. WOW to zapowiada Ci się super przygoda, o ile oczywiście lubisz takie klimaty :) Pozdrawiam!

  2. tylko pamiętaj tam kwadratowo-szczętny ( chciałam jakoś tak napisać oryginalnie :P ) rycerz to ideał dla mnie więc nie zapomnij o mnie jak tak będziesz siedzieć i składać Swoje pismo na tych kartkach :) ^^

  3. zajebista sprawa, wyrobisz sobie znane nazwisko;p nie or razu rzym zbudowano, kroczek po kroczku.
    musze, musze cie wyrwac na kawunie. moze w tym tygodniu? na razie nie mam nternetu w mieszkaniu, wiec umowmy sie jakos przez telefon - 506511153

  4. no nie tak publicznie swoj numer podawac!;d a w tym tyg to nie wiem, najpierw musze ten pokoj zaprojektowac.. a cos mi to nie idzie;p potem sie wezme;d a wiem wiem jestem tego siwadoma ze kroczek po kroczku.. malo placa ale i tak chce jechac.. bardzo bardzo!! ;d

  5. a zreszta, wydaje mi sie ze zabawa tez bedzie niezla :):)

  6. omg sama sobie nawale tyl komentarzy.. nie wiem jak sie skontaktuje tez bo telefon mi padl i dostalam od taty sredniowieczny ledwo dzialajacy bo moj do naprawy poszedl dzisiaj;p


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