
Friday, June 11, 2010

little trip

we are going to Wisła today! we are leaving from Katowice about 6p.m (why so late? cuz my boy is in work today) and we will be back on Monday morning;d ha i'm so happy. we are going somewhere together for the first time;p hope he will like me when we will come back haha;p oh and we are going by train so i can't take a lot of stuff.. but i don't know how to do that;p i have a small backpack and i can't imagine how i will fit everything there!! ;o
and i finished writting a letter to my friend Asia, hope she will be happy cuz she has what to read;p (8pages of A4 ;o). i started writting in March haha but then i stopped and started yesterday;p sorry;p

hope i will have a good time..


1 comment:

  1. ja lubie dużo czytac :D oczywiście jeśli wiem że to od Ciebie ;P :D:D:D to miłego wypadu proszę Pani i grzecznie mi tam :PP


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