
Tuesday, June 08, 2010


i love writting by hand using a pen, i have a simple Parker for few years and i use it all the time. few days ago i visite a shopping centre in Będzin and I saw a new dreamed pen. well i think it's time for a change! ha :) but i don't know which colour i want. i have a big dilemma!
pink, black or white?
the pink one looks better in reality but i'm not shure if it's a colour for me, i never liked pink (because when i saw it i usually saw sweet=superstupid girls). now i see it in a different way..
black? my present pen colour, i think it's a little too boring or maybe i have this colour too long.
and white? white? white? white? i dunno why white. it looks nice :)
there are a lot of different colours like orange, blue etc. but in reality they don't look very interesting..
please tell me which would you pick :)


  1. białe albo niebieskie :) no bo czarne już miałaś, a z różowym cię nie widzę, chodziaż też jest sympatyczne :)

  2. Białłe :D , bo róż to jednak róż ;P


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