
Thursday, July 08, 2010

day with ann

i met with miss ann today and we went to M1 City Center.. but before the city center we met and i gave her something i sewed for her yesterday.. it isn't super beautifull.. cuz i couldn't finish it like i wanted.. but i'm really happy that she likes it!! 

and sewing it was my first time with pins! and omg they are so easy to use and the work goes faster and easier with them.. and i was so afraid of them!! haha;d
and here it is.. i wanted it to be.. more casual on the out-side..

and more 'funny' in the inside.. but it looks how it looks.. the pocket is the best;d

After that..
we visited this market cuz i saw some boxes with a french pattern.. and she loves France.. she want's to stylizate her new room in this theme. well we went there only for this boxes and we were out of life for 4h? first a lot of clothes.. omg and one dress was soo funny. i wuld show you but you could die of laugh (like in the monthy python's film with the funnies joke;d) it had all (seriously) all trends of thiss summer.. everything on ONE dress!! but you won't imagine it probably.. it's to hard to imagine;p
i bought a lovely blouse!! i love it already!! but i bought a smaller size than in the photo.. and my lovely leggins;d they are extremaly comfortable;d (btw - nice photo ann took? didn't she?;d)

then like always hours spent in EMPIK;d and something that literally KILLED US. smashed us. broke us. kicked us and omg us;d
a magazine.. which costs 268zł!!!!
who would believe us if not the photo!!!!

next? something for miss ann. if you want to buy her a present - buy this book!
paris! paris! paris! paris!

something i got in the mail today after i came back home;d

ahh;d rotring calligraphy pens i ordered two days ago.. love them already.. i visited my granny today with my parents so i took them and did some exercises..
but of course one pen didn't work well so we tried to fix it with my mom. results..
page with my exercises? - with ugly stains
mom's bluse? - also with ugly stains
noughty pen? - fixed

;d the text i was exercising on is Leonard Cohen's poem/song i found in the internet.. i just forgot the texts i usually write so i had to find something using my dads computer:)

ok that was a long note, hope you like it. half of the things i wanted to write unfortunately escaped from my head;p now i need to eat my dinner which is waiting for me COLD on my desk;d

and tomorrow? i'm going to the cinema with my parents;d omg i persuaded my parents to go cus they didn't see a 3D film yet and the last time they were in the cinema was when i was little and we went to see the third sixth part of Star Wars;d ages ago!! ;d oh and they really like Shrek;d me too;d



  1. taaaak dla mnie to też był miły dzień. co prawda żal mi tyc rzeczy co nie kupiłam - nawet tej sukienki - no a już w szczególności tej gazety za 268 (a mówiła że 268, a nie 86 :P) ale... teraz wiem, że jak pojade na zakupy to przede wszystkim po opaski i hustę do H&Ma i na bluzki do NY.

    ahhhh częściej musimy sobie robić takie wypady ^^

  2. ano jestem za;d moga byc czesciej ale chyba lepiej jak bedziemy obydwie splukane;p wtedy wiesz, przyjdziemy z niczym.. i wydjziemy z niczym.. a tak jak dzisiaj przyslzysmy z czyms wyszlysmy z niczym (no oprocz tych naszych bluzek;d) ale ogolnie takie wypady sa za drogie haha;d ja sie bardzo ciesze ze bluzke kupilam bo chwile po kupieniu mialam watpliwosci ale do babci ja zalozylam i watpliwosci uciekly;d

  3. no ja żałuje że nie kupilam chusty, ale spoko nadrobię :D
    a kij teraz będę brać puki kasy mi ie braknie. dziś bylam za roztropna.

    ahh i moja kosmetyczka cudna cudna ^^

  4. No widze ze sobie ładnie dzionek spędziłyście ja tam jestem ciekawa czy ktoś sie skusi na tak drogi zakup hmmm, no dziwne to :)

  5. no cena dla prawdziwych fanek mody.. albo kobiet ktore po prostu nie maja juz co z pieniedzmi robic.. tak jak ta pani aniu obok inglota, nie?;d


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