
Saturday, September 04, 2010

cupcakes galore

by Gail Wagman

i bought this today.. i visited M1 shopping center today with my A. cuz we were looking for a gift for the wedding we're going to next Saturday.. and of course we didn't find anything interesting. except this book. it was super cheap (for a book like this, it has loads of recipies, beautifull phohos, it's big and the pages are proper) and it's about my new little love CUPCAKES! so i just had to buy it!

and yesterday.. i thought i'll finish painting the little girl's room but of course i didn't. i'm going there on Tuesday, and i hope it will be the last day of painting there :) i'm almost done. but i changed the project of the fourth wall and i have more work beacuse of that!! here is a little sneak peak :)
 and of course there is more.. but i'll share everything when i'll finish.. maybe :):)

i'm broke.. again!! ;o

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