
Friday, September 17, 2010

food food food food food food

i'm trying to make a cook book for myself, a have only few recipes, cuz you know, i'll write down only the ones i have tried. so there is a long journey before me! the cover is in progres.. like you can see.. i don't know what to do to make it look better. and of course every white flower will have a middle, but not now. now i'm more interested what is IN the cook book;d
few posts earlier a wrote about a book i bought. well here are another cupcakes from it;d
they are mainly for my A. cuz he is ill, and he loves everything with a yogurt taste. and he also loves white chocolate. well i found few pieces of white chocolate at home so i made 3 especially for him. they look much much better in reality! and the strawberry-yogurt flawour is really good. i wish i cooked them earlier, i could do better photos in a normal light. maybe i'll have time tomorrow morning, maybe :)


  1. rany te Twoje "wypieki" wyglądają jak jakieś idealnie zrobione fabrycznie ciacha!! :D i do tego tak ślicznie i mniamuśnie wyglądają!! :))

  2. dziekuje;d to zasluga tej ksiazki;d

  3. ciacha wyglądają pysznie :D


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