
Thursday, September 09, 2010

wedding card and cupcakes :)

Here is a little card for my cousins wedding :) everything is easier with the thing with the sign 'w dniu ślubu' and with this beautiful white brads :)
remember that book i bought about cupcakes few days ago? well, i have translated the recipe about chocolate coconut cupcakes, and today i baked them;d they look so cute, those little ones :) the should look like on the photo, but i didn't put the pudding and the whipped cream yet. they kinda.. naked actually;p but i like how they taste. even ann, who doesn't like coconut said that they are good - or mamybe she wanted to be kind;p

talking about ann, we were in cinema today on INCEPTION (incepcja). and omg we were the only people in the hall. and we could laugh and talk very loud. and the flm was genius!! seriously. it wasn't even 3D and in every second were lots of emotions. great film. if you didn't see it.. GO NOW!! NOW!!

nice day. it was 6h.. but i thought like it was still 2p.m ;p


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