
Monday, November 22, 2010

a shortrelation from our weekend trip to wroclaw!

we travelled by train.. 3h.. and we had very comfortable sits!
we got out of the train (are they renovating every railway station in Poland?! it's getting annoying! everything looks ugly actually, even wroclaw's station!!)
and we were looking for the market-place to see those popular old tenement houses.. which you can find on photos below :)

 in half of the way we found some funny sculptures.. and we couldn't keep ourselves from taking some funny photos.. ;p

 i really like this photo below..

 and of course, when i finished my first lomo film in the middle of our little tour.. we immediately found a place where i could develope those photos and see how my lomo fisheye is working! 40 minutes and we had photos in our hands.. but.. suprising.. instead of 36/37 photos.. we got only 20.. why? well.. i didn't suspect that the ISO was to low on the film!! shooyyy! but when i'll get some money (and i have no idea how i can get it) i'll buy few 400ISO films.. cuz i don't want to have a similar situation in the future;d

 of course, when i got home i put one of those lovely photos into my one empty frame.. which i won few months ago in a candy organised by Juunka. and i didn't know how to decorate it.. so.. the simplest thing i could do was use a black pen and draw a line around the photo.. love those simple decorative solutions..
oh and above, another journal page.. of course it relates to wroclaw and lomography;d it was a really good weekend spent with my boy and friends which i didn't see for a while..
there were lots of .. everything;p if you know what i mean;p
and i was in the cinema with ann, kasia and kasia's boyfriend on the new Harry Potter. i really really liked it. can't wait to see the second part of this film..

ah.. and of course everything in nature has to be equalized.. like i said when wewere travelling to wroclaw, we had very comfortable and warm sits.. but when we were comming back to katowice.. we were sitting on the flor between two passanger carriages.. and it was windy and cold and awfull!! but thanks to my boy i could sleep a bit.. i could rest my head on his arms.. ahh thank you;* and thank you for the wonderfull weekend!!;*
oh and of course i'm thankfull few other people from the flat number 13!



  1. No piekne robi zdjecia piekne! :D no i dobrze że było udanie :))

  2. Masz bardzo przytulny kącik :)

    A na tym zdjęciu to myślałam, że chłopak na deskorolce robi trik :P


    chyba idę już spać ;)


  3. How about now? Can you see them!?
    I changed it around
    thanks for letting me know :)


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