
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

little of little art

but first.. yesterday's perfect evening.. perfect evening for myself.. :)
cocoa.. whipped cream.. and a beautiful film.. 'chocolat'
ohh myyy.. why johny deep i so handsome.. ohhhh o.O especially in this film (if you didn't see it.. do it.. NOW!!)
it happens.. ee never? - that i check the directror after watching a film.. but this one.. oh it was really a fantastic production! the director is Lasse Hallström.. i checked his productions and i'm going to watch almost all of his films.. seriously;d
next film to watch of his production is a creation from the year 1999 -> The Cider House Rules!

and now.. something i started doing yesterday during 'chocolat' <3
i finished it today morning :)
 a stitch binded new notebook!i love it already..
 it has 320 pages looking 'old' :)
 hope you like it.. i'm thinking about selling those 'beauties'.. but i dunno.. cuz i don't really think that someone from poland would want them.. we will see.. :)

and here something super croocked.. o.O
i started it today.. and i finished it in 2h. i like the fabric.. but it the most croocked thing i have ever sewed!!! ... ehh.. i looks better on this photo than in reality o.O ;(
but.. 'od czegos trzeba zaczac, nie?'
you have to start somewhere..

i have a test today, a small one but of course i felt like doing some sewing instead learning! agggr what am i doin on this university?!

yhh.. now pizza.. and at 4p.m. bus to school..


happy birthday Ann!


  1. prawdopodobnie sie uczysz na tej uczelni do jakiegoś zawodu :P hehe nie załamuj sie babo dasz se rade, fajna bluzeczka ;] ejj ja też chce pizze! ;]

  2. a tam, gadasz... na napewno bluzka wygląda tak świetnie jak na zdjęciu! materiał jest cudowny!
    Czekoladę oglądałam (wstyd się przyznać, że dopiero w tym roku) i się zachwyciłam :) jest w tym filmie jakaś magia! i po obejrzeniu tak bardzo chciałabym umieć robić własne czekoldaki... ;)
    notes piękny! sama dziergałaś koronkę?(frywolitkę? nie wiem jak to fachowo nazwać ;P)
    zimowe uściski :*

  3. oh wow, I wish I knew how to sew. I like your shirt a lot, even though you say you don't :P


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