
Thursday, January 27, 2011

prepare yourself for a long post.. (hope that not boring!)

i should have been learning today.. but as you can see.. i had more interesting things to do..
like making notebooks.. i sewed together pages and covers for 4 notebooks (but i'll put those things together after Sunday). i want to sell them at etsy (ohh i hope someone will buy them..). but if some of you are interested in buying my handmade notebooks now contact me here: :)
like i said, i will sew covers with pages after Sunday, but i can show you now how it will look,  
more or less :)
 please let me know if you like them, i need your oppinions :) thanks! xxxx

 and i have learned how to sew make up bags.. at last!
 and here is another make up case, but a lot bigger, for cosmetics during travels :)
and interior
ahh i'm too lazy to make good photos of my handmade things.. i should put myself together cuz photos are an important part when you want to sell something.. but here, i hope that you will believe my word, this bag looks better in raelity :)

and here.. something i was making few hours today;o a patchwork pillowcase.. you can't imagine how i love it;d it looks much much better in reality.. and it's (almost) not crooked!!!!!! size 50x60cm
 and pillowcases which i made yesterday, they are simple, cuz they were for a man :)
 photos made in a hurry.. pillowcases look better in reality;d seriously! ;d

and here.. my new corner.. i'm planning to hang there  moremoremoremore pictures etc. after i'll finish all tests.. (can't wait..!!) i din't think that my lamps will fit there so good ;d
oh and at last i bought a punch kit (it's not my dreamed Crop-a-dile Big Bite II but still.. i'm superhappy;p)

in December my and my A. went to a electronic commodity exchange (giełda??) and behind it we found a flea market!!! and look what we have found! a beautiful silver ring with a nice turquoise stone.. and suprisingly it was in my size! (it's really hard to find a ring for me.. i have the smalles size.. so it really was suprising!) and it was so so sooo cheap! 
thank you A. ;*
aaannn nooooow soooooomeeee lomo fisheye I photos! from new years eve and from october 
(i hate my town's photo companies.. they can't even develope analogue photos in the way they should do it! i wish i had a darkroom.. i learned how develope photos in my art school and i'm good in it.. i can't watch what are people doing in photo shops with films!!!!!!)

haha and now hit of the post! did you see the advertisement in TV about this new magazine about knitting?
well if you live in Poland you probably saw it.. i couldn't resist.. i tried to resist (haha) but i just had to buy it. and i did. omg i hope i won't like it cuz another hobby will problaby make me a total NOlife ;d hahaha
 but i'll try. i always thought that i don't have patience for knitting.. well now i have the chance for checking it;d i won't probably buy next parts of this magazine cuz they will be too expensive, but the first number is the most important cuz of the accesories.. ;d well i'll tell you if i'll like it..

and don't forget about my candy! it closes at 31st January! if you didn't see it yet, here it is.
have a nice weekend! i hope i'll handmade something soon, cuz i want more and more! ;d


thanks for visiting!



  1. aaaaj, nołtbuki są greeejt! :D
    a w pierścionku się bezgranicznie zakochałam, jest nieziemski!

    i dziękuję za miłe słowo u mnie :)

  2. Taka zdolna bestia jak Ty z drutami na pewno sobie też poradzi :)
    Pozdrawiam i niecierpliwie czekam na wyniki losowania!

  3. notesy jak zawsze bomba! zresztą jak wszystkie szyciowe projekty :) tyloma zdjęciami nas zarzuciłaś, że nie wiem na czym oko zawiesić... potchworkowa poduszka szczególnie mnie zachwyciła, bo ostatnio mam fazę na takie właśnie klimaty :) zresztą wszystko mi się podoba, bo i nowy kąt, i pierścionek i lomoskowe zdjęcia też:)
    powodzenia z drutami! ja po sesji chwytam za szydełko i uczę się granny squares :D

  4. ale jak Ci pięknie to szycie wychodzi, życzę szybkiej poprawki na dobrą ocenę! :) oj ja nie widziałam reklamy i nie zakupiłam, ale szycie dryty szydełko to magia powodzenia na etsy

  5. jak bedzie to w poniedziałek gdzieś zakupię, ale pewnie się skończy tak jak u Ciebie, do tego trzeba mieć dar i już ;]

  6. Jaszka sie rozpisywała o tym piśmie na blogu ;p

    NOTESY SA BEZBŁĘDNE!!!! Już się zapisałam w kolejce do candy. Świetne :3

    tez mam fioletowe ściany :D

  7. Kurde ja uwielbiam te Twoje rękodzieła - wiesz? jesteś w tym naprawdę dobra! Powodzenia ze studiami, babo nie daj sie! :D


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