
Friday, February 04, 2011

sewing.. again :)

 8 coaster.. i want to sell them :) but i still don't know for how much! can you please help me?
bardzo proszę o pomoc w wycenieniu tych 8 serduszkowych podkladek pod kubki! bo mam z tym wielki problem a wiekszosc z was na pewno jest w tym doswiadczona;d
 heart polka dots coasters
 new sewed thing for my wall..
 hanging cover for 7 cd's, i made it from remnant of materials i used for my A.'s cushions :)
 eyelets, i used them for the first time whit fabrics like those :)
 at last few cds' are organised!

about a year ago i began my adventure with craft like sewing, felt, scrapbooking etc. one of the first important tasks was to made a pin cushion for a wordwide pin cushion swap.. thanks to it, i met Kami. and here is here pincuhion for me :) i'm using it all the time, i loooooveeee it;d it looks great and it very usefull, because it's quite big so all my pins can be always pined in it;d
i can see a big improvement in my sewing.. i'm sooo happy.. it was my little dream.. :)

and a little something i sewed today aswell.. i'll show you when i'll finish the whole of it;d
the new owner already loves it ( i hope she was telling the truth haha;d)
i'm proud of this little lizard :) its a bit crooked but it looks good :)

have a nice weekend!

p.s. i forgot to mention about my improvement in knitting..
i didn't like the yarn i got free with the magazine 'I am knitting' ('Robię na drutach')
yesterday i bought 3 wollen yarns, i got in love with those colors! i had to buy them;p
everything is crooked, but i will get better;d i hope so.. ;d now i'm glad i did so much without destroying it (my earlier tries were so crooked i had to destroy them!)

now.. a film and fighting with my notebooks;d


  1. ja nie mam doświadczenia, więc niestety nie pomogę... podobno liczy się koszt materiałów + czas poświęcony na wykonanie przedmiotu + zysk. tyle mogę podpowiedzieć :)
    pokładki są na prawdę cudowne i na pewno znajdzie się ktoś kto zapragnie mieć je na swoim stole :) jaszczura mnie powaliła! ja mam problem z wyszyciem kółka na maszynie a tu takie zakrętasy! :) kieszeń na płyty to świetny pomysł i cudnie Ci wyszła :)

  2. szok!! ale masz talent, obserwuję Cię koniecznie !! buziak :*


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