
Monday, February 21, 2011

you.. are.. soooo.. beautiful!

 ahh! in my previous post i mentioned that i am waiting for a package.. well.. i got it today! can't believe it came so quick! i thought it will be here in the end of the week!
 ahh! she is sooooo beautiful!!!!! in reality it is even more cute! the color is mat green <3
  it writes as you can see, the tape is a bit used, but i already ordered a new one! it has polish letters! and again.. the color is just perfect!
oh, and it came with a lovely suitcase! i didn't see the suitcase when i was ordering this lovely typewriter, i really knew just a bit about it.. cuz the photo of it was very poor.. but i took the risk and i bought it.. and omg how i was suprised when i saw it so perfect! typewriter from my dreams! i was looking for a perfect and not expensive one for weeks! awwwwwwwwww <3
isn't it beautiful?
you will probably call me a lunatic now.. but i really love it! ;d

and some films i recommend to you.. for those cold winter evenings.. (it's snowing here.. again!!!!)
you have heared about it probably.. black swan really great film.. and natalie portman.. great actress!
 this one below.. 'i now pronounce you chuck and larry' i almost die of laughter! adam sandler always make me cry of laughter in comedys, and when he plays with the guy on the left it is just a perfect comedy! except this one i recommend you 'grown ups' the same actors there :)
 and of course 'king's speech', you heared about it for sure.. it's worth to watch it.. very interesting :)

have a nice week! i have to start studying for tomorrow's test :( i hope it's not too late to learn this material..
keep your fingers crossed!

ohhh and as you can see, i changed my blog template.. of course i was doing it instead of learning history this morning o.O the baner is from my little ilustrationf from my journal..
im not really satisfied with the effect, but i have no time today to think about it.. it has to be like this for couple of days.. weeks.. tell me what you think about it :)



  1. Królewski film,obejrzałam, zjadłam pudło popcornu, i zrozumiałam najlepiej jedna fraze : " Fuck, fuck, fuck (...) " ;];] Kupiłas maszynę?? Łoooo , na podobnej uczyłam sie pisać na lekcjach techniki biurowej :P haha A teraz czekam na ziemniaczki zapiekane , bo jakoś nie chce mi sie dla siebie samej gotować ;P

  2. umarłam. nienawidze cię za ta maszynę... Oo. i love it. cuuudna. ale ciebie nie lubię. nie nie nie.
    king's speech to mistrzostwo. dziecko wreszcie oglądasz porządne filmy. jednak lata mówienia o filmach przyniosło efekty. amen :D

  3. aha i ja już notesika się nie doczekam... ;( :P:P

  4. no widzisz lason zakodowalam w mozgu filmy ktore mi polecalas i nadrabiam powolutku.. bo nowosci tez staram sie ogladac;d niestety ty daleko to do kina nie ma zkim lazic :( a notesiku sie doczekasz, czekam niecierpliwie na kilka dni wolnego od nauki i zajec (po 11 marca) i sie wezme za niego! a lason ja czekam na moj zaginiony prezent ahahah xd albo chociaz niezaginione pudeleczko xD hehehe mam ochote was odwiedzic i isc sie nazrec popcornu przy jakims dobrym filmie (czyt. burleska) ;d

    asica: fajnie ze sie uczylas na takiej pisac w liceum;d my sie uczylismy obslugi pedzli ahaha;d pisz list babo! xd

  5. Lucky you !! Your new typewriter is soooo beautiful !! And i love your art journal page so colorful =^__^=
    KOKO :)

  6. Wow ależ boska ta maszyna !!
    I widzę nowa szata bloga :D

  7. maszyna boska:)
    filmy świetne:)
    i mam nadzieję, że test wyppadł dobrze:)

  8. maszyny zazdraszczam okrutnie! u mnie nadal pozostaje w sferze marzeń...
    z filmów oglądałam the king's speech i black swan, oba fantastyczne choć ten pierwszy bardziej mnie 'zauroczył' :) po cichu życzę mu oscara :D


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