
Saturday, April 30, 2011

tiny notebooks

 i didn't know what to sew yesterday except the two pillow-cases, and I hadn't a lot of time.. and suddenly.. an idea came to my mind to do this!
 9 tiny notebooks! they have from 24 to 40 pages (10,5x7,5cm)
it was just an experiment, but I really like it! they are perfect to put into your tiny shoulder bag, and write important telephone numbers or adresses!
 some of them are closed by a stripe and a button and some just by a long white stripe
 they look sooo cute and simple, like I said they are just prototypes, but  think I'm going to make more of them in the future and sell them (maybe)
what do you think? do you like them?

this is my last totally lazy weekend until end of June! ohh I sometimes hate studying! :)


Friday, April 29, 2011

two pillow cases

My mom was asking me to sew two pillow-cases to the living room for months..! And finally I finished them today. I didn't make them earlier because I didn't feel like doing them.. but two days ago THIS post inspired me totally! I'm watching sew4home for a looong time now.. such an inspiring and colorful website!

 Here are my pillow-cushions. I didn't really use the tutorial, but the photo inspired me for good.
 My mom was so happy! Handmade presents, even such simple make people soooo happy.
The ribbon is also instead of buttons holding the back together :)
Fabrics: cotton and linen

sponsored giveaway 2

hello again! I want to invite you to hop onto Leigh-Ann's blog to participate in the big sponsor giveaway! you can win one of my notebooks, an owly one:
Just leave a comment under her big giveaway post!

I had two advertisements this month, and I'm really glad I was on Freckled Nest. I like her blog and posts designs and It's really interesting to read (and watch her videos!)

sponsored giveaway

hello ladies!
 I'm one of the sponsors of Smile&Wave, and today there is a giveaway from the sponsors. If you would like to win this notebook and a few other nice things
just  go here: Smile&Wave
and comment below that post :) I would be so happy if one of my readers won the giveaway! ;d
so don't waste time.. and hop on Rachel's blog!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

etsy favourites vol 3

isn't turquoise colour of the year? it's a beautiful colour, just perfect. and here is a turquoise&white&blue mosaic from my etsy favourites. ahh such inspiring things!

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6
7. 8. 9.

hope you had a nice Easter! :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

free gifts

well, you don't know that but to every sold notebook, I'm adding a little free gift :) it's always nice to find something you didn't expect in the package, isn't it?

usually I'm adding heart coasters, I ran out of heart coasters, so I made few tissue holders, for a change;d I hope my clients like their free suprises.. :)

here are few photos of new tissue holders :)
a similar one, but white with flowers is waiting for being shipped ;d
and below, a hearty one.. but I couldn't make a good photo..

ohh and here, I sewed a fabric bin for threads and fabric remains, they always lie a-bout the carpet, but now they have a nice place next to my desk;d love the fabric!! it's recycled from an old pillowa-case :)
you can't see it on the photo but the bottom is so.. soooo crooked! i didn't measure good the circle.. ohh my laziness.. and now it looks bad.. but when it is hanging you can't see it.. ;d

i'm baking cupcakes now.. ohh so so hungry!!
have a nice day!


Monday, April 25, 2011

inspiration album

 I'm not a scrapbooker, I don't have talent for this kind of art, but sometimes it's nice to create something colorful from papers.
yesterday I made this album, size A4 (first time I made something this big). it is my inspiration album.. I needed it because every time when I find something interesting on the internet or in magazines I cut it.. and i loose it somewhere in my boxes.. now everything will be in one place :) good solution :)
 papers from here and here -  really good polish shops for scrapbooking maniacs! the photo on the front is from the internet but I don't remember from where.. if you know, please tell me!
 it's quite simple.. oh and the back is in white dots.. lovely paper!!
like I said.. nothing speciall really.. oh and on the first inspiration page you can see books, film etc. which I want to read/watch.. my memory is horrible..  I need to write everything down or else.. I will forget;p

now I have to start sewing a little gift for my partner Rowan from the Crafty Peep Swap :) still dunno what to make! ;o


Sunday, April 24, 2011

a new cloudy wallet

 about a year ago i sewed my first wallet. i love it, it's girly and full of nice flowers. I was using it every day :) you can see it in the photos below :)
click on the images to make them bigger :) ohh i wish I could find that yellow fabric somewhere.. it's so beautiful.. and i don't have a bit of it left..

but the time has came for a change.. two days ago I seweda new one, two time smaller (perfect to my little bags, where the previous one didn't fit)

it's turquoise with grey clouds, inspired by my handmade notebook which you can see here
i have a little cloudy obsession lately..
it's a bit crooked, my sewing machine doesn't manage to sew through so many fabrics which are so thick
 it's small but everything what is needed is there: cards, tickets, money, plasters (yes, I always have few little plasters in my wallet;p) and some business cards
the interior fabric fits the exterior one.. in reality it looks better :)
and a little zipped pocket for coins
 and the back of the wallet.. not cloud this time.. just a big lovely button
 I was in love with those buttons from the first sight.. aren't they cute?

well.. that's all for today :) hope you like it, i was thinking of making some of those small wallets for sale.. but dunno if someone is interested in them :)

have a nice Easter!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

pink cupcakes and not a very good day

 this really wasn't a good day.. (prepare for a lot of whining)
first: my order didn't came (term was on today).. I was waiting for those books a month. i'm angry cuz they said that I can pick them up today.. and now i have to wait another week.. ****
second: I sewed a cover today for a super big notebook, and it is so crooked! :( and I don't know how it happened..
third: I baked cupcakes for the weekend for my family and they didn't came out as I wanted..
fourth: I wanted to sew a leather wallet.. I have bought a piece of nice, brown leather a week ago.. but my sewing machine didn't manage.. :( and then when I changed the fabric to suede (zamsz).. I f**ked it up! ;(
and i'm not feeling very good today also.. uhhh.. sorry for whining so much..

one thing came out good today.. this one, just one photo:
photo of my today's cupcakes

Thursday, April 21, 2011

etsy favourites vol. 2

wish I could buy all of those things ;o just gorgeous!

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.

little inspiration for today.. uhh this was a busy day.. i had a little makeover of my room.. :)


Wednesday, April 20, 2011 drawing!

 and now a post which you are really interested in :)

i used to choose the winner 
of my candy. the machine picked this number, to be the lucky one:

and the lucky girl.. is..

aulik, dear please send me a message at
i will be pleased to make your dreamed sketchbook!

oh by the way, hop onto aulik's blog! she makes really lovely things! i am watching her blog for a while ago, and i have to admit she really deserves a new personal sketchbook!

a little refreshment

in January, my favourite wall looked like this.

but this week, i bought 4 embroidery hoops:

and i finished painting this today morning:
 sides are also painted :)
nothing special really.. just a little simple image, inspired by this notebook and my jorunal page :)
i'm thinking about selling this picture..

and now this wall looks like this:
nothing amazing.. but i love this wall so so much! ;p

and here my second favourite corner
uhh.. it's such a mess! as you can see, i am keeping all my handmade journals in my picnic basket (which was never used as a picnic basket really) this corner is the place where i watch films, stitch pages or.. learn (eek!)

i closed my candy, and today evening after i'll get back from school i'll pick one lucky winner!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

new favourite dress

 ohhh sun at last!

here are some photos from Saturday's little (silly) 'photo session' haha ;d on the two first photos I'm wearing my new flowery dress, I love it so so much! it's just perfect (lots and lots of flowers)! I bought it at one of my favourite shops.. BSK blue leggings (yes, those are leggings) are also from BSK.. and the striped blue&white fabric bra from Stradivarius

 lunatic with a neckerchief running around the park
 calm lunatic.. short rest..
 and a total lunatic trying to jump into the dirty little lake!
 love my photographer;* i look like a human on those photos thanks to him! but my face still is censured, it's as fotogenic as my bag (look down)

 and a messenger bag which I sewed two weeks ago.. I have to admit it's very unfotogenic! i love it because it has a lot of pockets and it has a perfect size to put my school books etc. but omg how unfotogenic it is!
i have to asure you that it really looks better in relity!
 the interior is made from a white fabric with black pattern (drawings of flowers and birds)
i made this bag from a lovely tutorial, easy and perfect size. thank you


hello.. if some of you are seriously interested in buying my notebooks/journals.. i have a little suprise for you! from today to next Sunday (17th-24th April) there will be activated a special coupon code for my readers!

it is very easy to use, you just have to copy the coupon code txt to a special bracket during your order. and a 10% discount will be given to you! hope that someone will use it :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

love for bows

this season's fashion is just perfect, isn't it? flowers, bows, stripes.. and an explosion of colours.. everything what i love. that's why I started doing this notebook few weeks ago. I decided that I should try to make a notebook with a bow - I adore them. and here it is - I have finished it yesterday.
new kind of closing - fabric stripe with a button
 my first handmade bow;p
 7cm thick. quite a big one. 400 pages as usually :)
 interior from a lovely blue with white flowers fabric.
and.. that's all for today!

p.s. i'll be making a super big notebook in few days.. i just started stitching pages.. it will be a special one for a unique person :) but shhh! :)

p.s.2. last five days to participate in my candy! just wanted to remind you :)


treasury list

my first treasury list on etsy, for people obsessed with analogue/film photography!
click on the image to go to the treasury list's page :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

wood grain.. again :)

 new notebook finished about a week ago
 big closing button!
 size of the notebook as usually A6.. it's thick and pages are hand coloured
 first notebook with this kind of closing;p
 i'm really in love with this fabric (well.. i'm in love with most of my fabrics but shh!), i would love to have a bag or something from it but i don't have enough of it right now..
do you like it?
thank you for your sweet coments in my earlier posts! thank you so much! and i hope i'm not being boring with those notebooks!