
Sunday, May 22, 2011

crafty PEEP swap!

 I have signed up for the Crafty PEEP Swap here a while ago. and finally my partner received her crafty swap things!

and here's what I made for my swap partner Rowan
 a spring set consisting of: a wallet, a tissue holder and a crochet needle/pecil case

similar to the cloudy one
 but, it has a plastic recycled zipper - experiment :)
 big button

tissue holder
 just a simple one, fitting the wallet :)

crochet needle/pencil case
  I made photos before I pressed them - that's why it looks so crumpled!
ink sign - create with love
I have to make a similar to myself, as you can see it has eyelets - so you can hang it on the wall etc.. :) nice solution, I love lots of stuff hanging on my wall

ohh I hope she likes it!


now: mint yerba mate, nutella&hazelnut delicious cupcakes and... Sunday with learning and doing homeworks.. :( the worst thing about this is.. that the weather is so beautiful todayand I have to stay home and do stuff for school!


  1. portfelik jest rewelacyjny!

  2. Ślicznie uszyte :)

  3. Kurcze nie będę pisac po angielsku he h. Dzięki za odwiedziny! i balsamiczny komentarz he he. Widzę ,że Ty własnie tworzysz cos o czym ja moge tylko ni chciałabym taki portfelik , może nawet z haftem ale szy nie umiem i co! piekne drobiazgi pozdrawiam.


Thank you for your comment! <3