
Sunday, May 29, 2011

the growing cupcake

yesterday I was making cupcakes.. and my A. decided to make a little experiment :) he made a video for me showing the process of baking! thank you ;*

{music - Café del Mar - Dreams - 10}

 you just have to leave me an oppinion about this, do you like it? it's our first time with videos, movie maker programs etc. small thing but such fun!

and if someone doesn't like videos, a quick photo of the 3 remaining cupcakes - they were gone soooo fast! well, who doesn't like nuttela and hazelnuts?! right?!
ohh and see those colorfull cupcake papers? my looovely cousin send me them from England, I am sooo thankful! I coulnd't find any good ones for baking here in shops! and those she gave me are sooooo beautiful colorful and I got them about 300!! thank you again Asia! I just have to 'know them better' and the cupcakes should look nice! those ones above aren't perfect.. I didn't know how these papers would behave :)

my weekend was wonderful thanks to my A! we were on my 'town's days' for a moment, walked in the rain, drank a bit (shh!) and played killzone 3 on my ps3! ahhh such a wonderful 3 days! <3 what a shame I have to get back to 'learning'

hope your weekend was good too!

p.s. I'm preparing a blog post project.. I'll show you the first post about it in few days time! eek - so excited! :)


  1. Mhhmmm.. aż czuje się ich smakowity zapach :)

  2. świetny pomysł z filmikiem. bardzo mi się podoba! :) powinnaś też rzucić okiem na to: {znalezisko Czekoczyny}, ja jestem absolutnie zauroczona :)

    pięknych papilotek zazdraszczam - ja też zawsze szukam jakiś ładnych, ale albo nie ma albo piekielnie drogie :(


  3. pasiakowa - dzieki;d
    kasia - noo video fajne to co Czekoczyna znalazla, ale powiem ci ze to juz jest wyzsza sztuka filmowania;p hehe a my mam dopiero poczatek;p
    sahina - thank you! ;D

  4. hi! I love your blog and the notebooks you do, so I wrote about you in my weekly favourites!
    Hearts! -Ava

  5. no to się ciesze że pierki współpracowały z Toba :) znalazłam kolejny sklep w kórym byś się pewnie zakochała tak jak ja i chciała kupić wszystko co tam jest :) żebym miała kasę, i chciała udekorować swoją kuchnie przybyłabym znów do UK i obkupiła w rupieciach z tego sklepu :) A video trzeba stwierdzić ze wyszło :)

  6. mmmmmmm, ślinka cieknie

  7. no filmik jest super! :D strasznie mi się podoba :))


Thank you for your comment! <3