
Friday, June 24, 2011

oh what a happy happy day!

 Why is it so happy? Well.. I had my last exam today (which I have failed, but nevermind)! And it means.. that I have holidays until September! Yay! I am smiling all day long :) I have so much energy that I have to 'put into something'! For a warmup, I baked cupcakes today.. and as you can see below, I made a little decoration :)
 The decoration is a bit crooked, but I'm too happy to worry about it haha;d I am actually glad of the photo above, I have a weird stagnation in photography, I cant make any good or pretty cute photos. I like today's ones so so much!
 Please don't look at the crooked lines;p
 Oh and here (below) you can see my new t-shirt with.. a muffin! ♥ isn't it just super cute?! (t-shirt from Reserved)
 And also today's things - two (kinda) flags or banners? Made super fast.. I have no idea how to call them :) I am thinking of putting them into the ground of my home's flowers :)
 Well.. what can I say more.. my holidays started.. so you will probably see a lot of new stuff on my blog! But not before 1st July - on Monday I am going to Wroclaw visit my friend Ann for few days!
 yes, the letters are cut be me;p - I thought I was patient in these kind of things.. but I have to tell you.. I'm not! Hehe :)

have a beautiful summer time! and don't forget to blog about everything!


  1. jami, jami, ciacha, dekoracje, koszulka - miodzio! :DD udanych wakacji!

  2. jest szczęściara! :D Ciesze się wraz z Tobą! :)

  3. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! cód miód

  4. Happy holiday!!!! :)

    Having fun!
    ciao ciao

  5. love the cupcake decoration! really cute. and Happy Holidays!

  6. Lovely decorations!! Enjoy every single day of your vacation and... do everything with love :)))

  7. Też mam fazę na muffinki ostatnio :D Ale jestem zbyt leniwa i małoczasumam, dlatego piekę takie z kartonika ;)

    Błogosławieni, którzy mają wakacje.

    Pozdrawiam :)

  8. Gratulacje, ach te egzaminy.
    A zdjęcia są ok, właśnie właśnie już wiem co zrobię - mufinki. Banerki wyszły super:)

  9. Jejciu, jak ja bym znow chciala miec wakacje na studiach! A tu juz 10 lat od zakonczenia i marne 21 dni wolnych na rok....

    Ciesz sie mocno wakacjami, odpoczywac, tworz i korzystaj z zycia!

    Piekne banerki BTW.


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