
Friday, July 08, 2011

voyage, voyage

 About two months ago I have found a small chest at the flea market, it looked like vintage, but after searching the internet I have discovered it isn't really vintage.. it is just made to look like old, but in reality it comes from a company which makes exclusive sweets! :)
 I had no idea what to do with this chest, but I had to buy it (cheap&beautiful)
 After 2 months of no inspiration at all.. On Thursday I finally had an idea what to do with it! I had a little refreshment of my room (changing places of some things, hanging more paintings and photos etc.) and the idea just came to me from nowhere! :)
 Now.. this beauti is a jewellery chest!
 I hammered some small pegs to the cover, and tied a quite soft metal wire on those pegs..
 And voila! I have a nice hanger for my earings! I don't have much jewellery so it is just perfect size :)
 As you can see I also glued a paper napkin to the cover, and on the picture below you can see a scrapbook paper from here which I cut to be perfect for the whole bottom of this chest :)
I really really like the effect. I wanted an earing hanger for a long time, but I had no idea from what thing I could make it.. good I bought the 'Voyage, Voyage' chest!

It's another proof of the fact, that if something appeares beautiful to you, but you have no idea what to do with it.. BUY it anyway! Inspiration will come eventually! Hehe :)



  1. o la la!a to szkatuła pełna skarbów
    mam takie same kolczyki łezki jak Ty czerwone-tylko moje są zielone i je ubóstwiam

  2. świetna! a jak ładnie zagospodarowana:)

  3. agreed! i always buy things on impulse and later find out what to do with them. good advice!


  4. tak tak idz za glosem serca
    skrzynka piekna

  5. fantastyczny użytek zrobiłaś z tej starej-nowej skrzyneczki :-)!

  6. I've just seen your etsy shop for the first time and your notebooks are adorable ! would you mind at all if i featured them on my blog?!

  7. świetny pomysł! super się prezentuje :)

  8. How whimsical this chest is! I am also a fan of everything inside of it and also your purdy little nails!

  9. świetny skarbiec na biżuterię! :) moja wala się po wszystkich kątach (chociaż mam zaledwie kilka sztuk) i też chętnie bym ją w końcu okiełznała :)
    muchomorkowe paznokcie są urocze! jak robisz takie zgrabne kropeczki? ja kiedyś próbowałam, ale wyszły mi rozlazłe plamki...

  10. Thank youuuu all for these lovely comments!!

    Kasia - ja używam lakieru z APLIKATOREM z firmy Inglot. Nie z pedzelkiem. Pedzelkiem tez sama nic nie potrafie namalowac :) Radze kupic i sprobowac! Jest duzo duzo latwiej i precyzyjniej :)

  11. so pretty! I love what you did with the trunk! Absolutely lovely! :)


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