
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cupcake Corner Bakery vol. 2

 Last weekend I visited my favourite place in Crakow two times.. You seriously can't imagine, how much pleasure I have from every visit in the Cupcake Corner Company. After my last visit, I made a short post about it, but the photos were just awful. I tried to make them better this time, to show you the beautiues of their products.
I didn't make any photos inside the bakery because we were in a hurry.. but when we had a minute I had to stop and eat one of them.. The fisrt one was the Chocolate Covered Strawberry - I ate it for the first time.. and of course I loved it!

I bought 5 cupcakes, but 4 were for the trip, so we had to wait to eat them.. I was so worried that I will destroy them during the ride! But fortunately they were ok when we came to our room in Zakopane :)
 They are too bautiful. Seriously! My hear was falling apart when we were eating them! Haha! Below you can see my favourite cupcake - Carrot Cake. I love the taste, and that it hasn't got as much cream as the other cupcakes have (I'm not really a cream lover).
 This one was Vanilla Confetti - also delicious! But too much cream for me! But look how it looks! Colorful confetti on white cream! Beautiful!
 Here you can se my boy's favourite one - Peanut Butter Cup.
 And here is the queen of the party! Spider Man Red Velvet Cupcake! It is a special cupcake, it costs more but it is worth it! The taste of the red cake is delicious! And I love the colour of the cream!
If some of you are going to visit Crakow, and it is your first time.. don't forget to visit this magical bakery! It's a perfect spot for a quick break during your trip. And here is their address (two bakerys in one town!):
Tell me when you will visit it, and let me know which cupcake was your favourite!

When we were going home after our weekend trip, I also came to the Cupcake Corner Bakery and bought a bunch of cupcakes for my family.. I even didn't have time to make photos! They ate them immediately!


  1. Hi!

    They really look delicious! I want one... ):
    your hair looks great too <3

    Hope you have a great day full of inspiration and cupcakes!(;

    Carmila Ponycat (

  2. i like it. and i like your style. i like your blog. and i like your handmade everything. !

  3. These look delicious. I'd love to go to Krakow it is on my list of places I want to visit so when I do I'll be sure to check this place out xxx

  4. ja już wpisałam to miejsce jako obowiązkowe do odwiedzenia w Krakowie :) może Twoje kuszenie przyspieszy moją podróż ;)

  5. wow i LOVE cupecakes sooooo jummie
    your cupcakes luks perfekt!

    hugs Conny

  6. No jak tak można? No jak? Człek na głodzie słodyczowym a ta tu ze smakowitościami wyskakuje! :P
    Moje serce tylko jedna by skradła (wiem to :P ) Peanut Butter Cup! :D


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