
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Romantic Set

 Lately I had a quite long break from making thick notebooks (but I have to get back and realise some private orders!) and I was making some different stuff.. Three days - a week ago - I was making wallets and purses. Why? And why so long (much!)? Well.. I will tell you later.. when I will know that everything is set and ok! :d
Now, I'm introducing the first set! The Romantic one - flowers, pink colour and lace. It is a really cute set. I really really like it and I'm thinking of making a similar one for myself ;p Photos aren't very good as you can see.. I was making them on my balcony to have some good daylight.. but I couldn't make any good ones :(
 As you can see the wallet is small - perfect for smaller bags :)
 It has a lot of pockets - the most important -> a zippered pocket for pennies!
 And few pockets for your business cards and documents :)
 The back is plain (without buttons and laces).
 And now the purse! It has two pockets (or we can say that it is just divided to have 2 parts). Why? Well.. for me it is really helpfull.. I always have my tablets on one side, and rest of my crap on the other;p it's easier to find everything;p - seriously! I sometimes have problems with finding my lipstick in my purse haha!
 I really really hope you like it. Please tell me what you think about this new set :) 

And here is a little sneak peak of what I have started making two days ago.. Ohhh I hope I will finish it soon and it will look good (oh please please look good!).
Oh Oh! And I'm leaving town for the weekend - again - we are going to visit my A.'s countryside! Ahh I love visiting that place with him! :d Hope we will have a good time.. and of course.. I hope you will have a great time on your weekend too! Some plans??

P.S. Thank you guys soooo much for supporting my Handy Notebooks! I can't believe I have sold 6 of them already! Thank you so much!!!


(again sorry for the bad photos!!)


  1. Love the cute romantic style purse set. Very sweet!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Fajny zestawik, choć wzorki zupełnie 'nie moje' :-) Ostatnie zdjęcie jest bardzo intygujące - ciekawe co z tego powstanie??? jestem bardzo ciekawa i trzymam kciuki! :-) Miłego weekendu! Baw się dobrze! :-)
    PS. no pewnie, że wiedziałam ;-) takiej okazji nie mogę przegapić!!! ;-)

  3. i like it.

  4. I love this set! So pretty! The fabric is beautiful! I am very jealous! Hope you have a lovely weekend, mine will be spent selling at my first ever craft fair! x

  5. This is so pretty and feminine. What a great job you did - wish I had your talent (and time).

  6. Hah, nie moge :D:D myślałam właśnie nad takim czelendżem dla Ciebie za jakiś czas :D:D portfel + to cudo na drobiazgi :D aleś utrafiła :)

  7. Ohhh I love the floral print :) So pretty!

  8. hi!

    I really love your romantic set, I think the floral pattern is perfect <3 and I really like that the bag is divided in two parts(:

    I hope you have a lovely day!

  9. świetny komplet :) już nie mogę się doczekać kolejnej części, ten stoisk zapowiada się bardzo interesująco :)

  10. łał, ten portfel jest przecudny!

  11. Sliczny ten portfelik!

    BTW, prosze o adresik!

  12. to jest tak piękne! jaka Ty jesteś zdolna, zazdroszczę talentu i gratuluję! podbiła moje serce


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