
Sunday, October 02, 2011

My favourite one - canvas set

 Today I want to show you another set - but this one it's my favourite one. I love canvas. One of the first fabrics I bought when I started sewing was canvas, and it was love from the first sight. Seriously it is a wonderful fabric! And it isn't hard to do something beautiful using it! Like here:
Nothing complicated.. Just canvas, a bit of lace, cotton tape and a white fabric with a flowery fabric inside. Simple but beautiful :) I really wish I could have this set for myself!
 The purse/vanity bag has a fabric inside which makes two pockets (like in the previous Romantic Set).
 On the wallet you can see a nice flowery button.
 And a bit of lace and a yellow cotton tape.
 I really really like the interior.. the flowery fabric is just magical, isn't it?
And the back - blank canvas.

What do you think? Do you like it as much as I do? Well, I hope so haha ;d Because if you don't like it.. it means I have a weird sense of style! ;o

My weekend was wonderful, like every weekend spent with my noughty A. I hope your weekend was as good as mine or even better!



  1. czytasz Idiote? Ja przedzieram sie przez Milenium.

  2. Ja też uwielbiam płótno! Fajny zestawik!

  3. I love it(:

    Have a perfect day(:

    Carmila Ponycat

  4. jestem pełna podziwu,uszyłać portfelik!wszystko cudne i jaki guziorrrrrrrrrrrrr

  5. portfelik ma piekne polaczenie kolorow. Tez lubie plotno i kwiatki,a do tego jeszce musztardowy kolor! Mhrryy!


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