
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dotty Spiralbound and FB Giveaway

As you know lately I made a few spiralbound planners.. two of them you can buy here.
 Today I want to show you closer the yellow dotty one! :)
 As usually it has 200 pages A6 and 3 colorful separating cards.
 Cover is made of a beautiful white&yellow dotty fabric.
 Below you can see the cards.. the one with houses is lovely, isn't it? ;d
 I mentioned at the beginning of this post that two of my planners you can buy at my etsy shop.. what about the third one? Well.. I decided to organise my first facebook giveaway!
Just hop onto my facebook page and you will know everything! :)
I hope you will like this giveaway.. I know it's nothing special but maybe someone wants it!

Have a wonderful&sunny day!


  1. the link to your facebook page doesn't work :/ it just goes to facebook. I'd love to win that planner - it's gorgeous :)

  2. oj śliczne piękne:)
    ale ten lisi materiał już dawno skradł moje serce!

    działaj dalej maryszka!:)
    pozdrawiam wiosennie

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Prześwietne są te Twoje notesiki :).. Aż szkoda byłoby mi w nim pisać :P. Niestety facebooka nie posiadam, więc muszę obejść się smakiem :).

  5. It's beautiful! (but fb doesn't work :/)

  6. I think you must've fixed your FB link, because it worked for me! What cool journals...I ♥ the fox one the best...

  7. girls! you have to be logged to facebook to see the page! or if you still can't see it click on my facebook link which is under the main blog image and the main top of this page! :))

  8. Ach, te groszki! Jest śliczny :) A karta z domkami -bombowa!

  9. Śliczne, ten w groszki chyba najpiękniejszy na świecie, ale to chyba dlatego, że mam słabość do grochów ;)
    Pozdrawiam i zapraszam do siebie

  10. I am always logged into facebook - and the facebook link at the top of the page doesn't work either :/ I've tried to search for your page on facebook and it doesn't come up. Have you set it to private?

  11. out of the frame - it is not private! i have no idea why can't you see this page :(

  12. Maryszo jesteś niemożliwa :D.. Mój nowy wpis na blogu jest raptem 3 minuty, a Ty już zostawiasz swój ślad :D. Kiedy Ty masz na to wszystko czas :D.. Jak tam Twoje studia i egzaminy :)?

  13. W grochy jest przepiękny :)

  14. Marysza, maybe you must reset your page's visible setting so that the people from outside your country can see it. :)

  15. Nindya Karlina - Yay!! I found that I really had country restrictions!! But I deleted all of them! Thank you so so muc Nindya!! :D

  16. yay now i find it

    thanks dear

  17. Hej, nie będę pisać o tym jak śliczne są twoje notesy bo to oczywiste, ze są przecudne :)
    ale niestety nie wiem o co chodzi z tą weryfikacją obrazkową u mnie, o której ciągle wspominasz i gdzie ja mam to wyłączyć?

  18. omg so gorgeous!! :D i love the fabrics.. everything!
    Hey, is it open internationally? I lived in Indonesia :(


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