
Monday, March 19, 2012

Sweet Scallops Bag

Few weeks ago I found this image on pinterest. I was in love with this scallop pattern!
Fortunately I found the original source quickly so if you want to
make a similar bag just click here for the tutorial! :))
As you can see I didn't use the whole tutorial just the part with the sweet scallops. I made it a lot bigger and my isn't 'flat'. I had no idea if I will make it correctly so I just picked some random fabrics and started sewing. The main fabric is cotton canvas.. I bought a lot of it and I have to admit I'm a little bit disappointed. I thought it will be thicker and the colour would be more.. natural? But well it's the risk of buying fabrics on-line! :) 
 As you can see the interior is made of a white&creamy striped fabric. It has an enormous pocket inside for all the little things which we loose in our big bags :)
At the back there is also a large pocket - but this one is a special place for a book. Why? Well, I hate opening my bag all the time when I'm for example in a bus.. It's a lot faster and easier to take your book from the back of you bag, isn't it?
 Oh and here a photo of Karolina and my new bag..  taken during a little spring walk :)
You now should have a more or less image how big it is in reality.
I'm really sorry for bad photos! I have no time to make better photos..
everything is made in a hurry!

I really like this bag - it's main advantage is that it's quite big.
It's weird but I have always a lot of things I just have to bring with me everywhere;p
Have a nice week! :)


  1. quite big, but it still looks good. :)


  2. Ciekawe,lecz jednak nie odważyłabym się z nią wyjść na dwór.Taka nie w moim stylu .

  3. did - a ja w niej na codzien chodze spokojnie :D ale to wlasnie jest to ze kazdy ma inny styl! i to jest piekne :)

  4. o kurcze - FANTASTYCZNA! i faktycznie wszystko pomieści :-)

  5. fajniutka, bo to torba tylko dla wybranych:))) hehe
    a ja bym spokojnie mogła chodzić codziennie:)

  6. OMG zajebista! Ale nieźle się musiałaś napracować!

  7. Cudna! Ja tez lubie takie falbanki (nie wiem jak to sie po polsku poprawnie nazywa). Swietne materialy!!!!

  8. świetna torba ^^ i ta tylna kieszeń na książkę... wyjątkowo mi się podoba ten pomysł ^^

  9. mazyza .. maybe the first place must come when i go to Europe is Poland .!i wanna meet you and get your bag + your book .and another you made . aaaaaa
    very cute !!!


  10. wow, urocza. No i ile pracy z tymi "falbanami" i jak misternie wszystko zszylas, jestem pod wrażeniem :)

  11. Ty to masz łeb pełen pomysłów! :D

  12. jaszmurka - jaaszka to nie moj pomysl;p wiec tak nie do konca leb pelen pomyslow :( hehe

  13. Ojaaa.. chyba się znów zakochałam ;)

  14. Jest świetna! Podziwiam wszystko Twoje prace, ale właśnie te typowo "szyciowe" najbardziej mnie zadziwiają :D. Cudownie Ci to wychodzi!

  15. booooskie łuski :) ja chcę umieć szyć :)


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