
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tell Your Story Challenge!

I'm tired of making the same kind of giveaways all the time, it's really getting boring! So I decided to make something different this time.. a special challenge with a nice prize! :)
As you can see the challenge's title is TELL YOUR STORY.

Every person who wants to participate has to:
- follow my blog (or at least my fanpage)
- put the banner and link of this challenge on your blog (or your facebook page)
- and the most important thing.. write a short story (at least 500 words) from your life and send it to my e-mail address: with the e-mail's title 'tell your story' - it can be a simple e-mail message, or a scan of your handwritted story!

I don't care about what kind of story it will be and if you are a professional writer or not. I really don't care about your writing style - I'm not a teacher :) I just want to know you all better and want to feel while something reading your stories :)

After I will receive all stories I will make a nice book from them, so you have to be aware that your story will be on my bookshelf! I won't sell them or anything, I just want to have a nice blog keepsake. Every story from this book will be signed with your name, blog address and e-mail. I won't show these stories on my blog, except the 3 ones that will win.

Like I mentioned before there will be 3 prizes. One big prize - a dreamed notebook (value up to $50). The winner will choose if he/she wants an old journal, a planner or just a simple notebook and will choose how it will look like! :) There will also be two consolation prizes, small notebooks (value $10) for the second and third place.

I hope there will be some participants! I would love to have a thick book filled with stories from the blog world. You can write your story in polish or in english, it's up to you :)

You can send your stories to the 3rd August, I will pick the winners on the 13th August (I need to have some time to read everything!)


What inspired me to make this kind of challenge? Well.. I make notebooks.. a lot of them, and every time I make one I imagine it filled with my client's thoughts, adventures and dreams. I would really love to see these things in one of my journals in reality :)

I hope it is a good idea to make challenges like this.. If this edition will be successful I will make similar challenges in the future for sure! :)

P.S. If you are more into traditional writing and sending things, no problem :) You can send me your story to my home address, just ask me about it by e-mail first :)

Is this a good idea? Or I'm just being lame?!
Have a wonderful summer!


  1. Super pomysł! Ja już wiem o czym napiszę :)

  2. Ooo jak fajnie!! Mam nadzieję, że będzie dużo chętnych i zrobie z waszych opowiadań książeczkę :D

  3. Łaaaa, jakie fajne wyzwanie :D
    hmmmm... mam gotowe opowiadanie z mojego życia, ale chyba jest z byt smutne, czeba coś pomyśleć ^^

  4. btw. wyzwanie to dobre słowo - wyzwaniem będzie pisać tym razem o sobie :)

  5. ale w sumie kusisz tym notatnikiem tak bardzo, że aż chyba się skuszę!
    A 10 stron może być?? :D

  6. Tynka - jesli na tych 10 stronach jest co najmniej 500 słów (a pewnie jest ich duzo wiecej) to tak :D noł problem!!

  7. Fajny pomysł, może się skuszę :)

  8. O wow!!!Ale super tylko co ja Tobie kochana mogę napisać?

  9. sooooooo excited!!!!:)))) let my imagination run wild.... :)

  10. Great giveaway! :DD Can't waiiitt....
    I'll make it soon :)
    Btw I love your red hair, just like Hayley Williams

  11. Świetny pomysł :) muszę spróbować :)

  12. Świetny pomysł! Nie mam pojęcia czy się skuszę, bo ja pisać nie umiem :PP Nawet notki na bloga przychodzą mi z trudem często, a co dopiero historie!

  13. za bardzo mi zależy na "prezencie" od Ciebie, żeby przejść obok i nie spróbować :) pozdróweczki...

  14. nie przepadam za pisaniem, ale kusisz bardzo kusisz :)

  15. Napisałam, wysłałam i wkleiłam banner.
    Mój e-mail to zozol13[@]

  16. Czy dzisiaj można jeszcze wysyłać ?? Proszę :) :) :)

  17. Wysłane, banner zamieszczony :)

  18. wysłałam, mam nadzieję, że nie jest za późno ;)

  19. AAaaa zaraz piszę i wysyłam, oby nie było za późno oby nie było za późno oby nie było za późno :D


Thank you for your comment! <3