
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Give.. give.. give.. AWAY!

Yup! It's time for one of my giveaways! What's the occasion? Well I have a lot of reasons to organise it! First - my birthday which was last Sunday, second - I passed all of my exams! And a lot of others like the third one - I just have a good mood haha! :)

This time you will have a chance to win..
 fabrics (16 pieces of fabric - some of them are even 50x60cm!)..
 two white (or almost white) vintage frames..
 a vintage tin/box (it's quite big!)..
 and some lovely knitters pins and one of my small notebooks (the one with apple fabric)..
 I really hope that you will like these things.. and participate in this giveaway!

Rules are simple, as usually:
- you have to be my follower; you can do it by google friend connect or bloglovin,
- put the image which is below on your blog's sidebar (with a link to my blog),
- leave a comment that you did so.. and..
- wait patiently for the winner announcment on the 31st October!

Have a wonderful day,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Welcome Back Gifts

 I haven't seen my friend Bee for 3 months.. She came back this week because the new academic year starts in few days.. I decided to make her some 'Welcome Back' gifts.
Bee loves photography so I made her a colorful cover for her camera stripe. As you can see it has her initial on one side - it's from felt :) 
 Second gift is a small pillow which has a shape of 'B' letter. It's my first sewed letter and I have to admit I'm totally NOT proud of it. It is very crooked and sides look awful..
I hope that when I'll sew another 3D letter in the future I will know how to make it right.. And I hope Bee likes it even if it's very crooked..
These personalized gifts are also for Art-Piaskownica's 12/12/12 Challenge!

Have an inspiring day,

P.S. The 'B' letter really is crooked, but I tried to make photos which could hide it a bit! :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Countryside Bag

As I mentioned earlier I passed all of my exams and now I'm celebrating (at night) and sewing (during the day) all the time! I sewed two bags this weekend! The first one which I'm presenting in this post reminds me the countryside.. I don't know why but when I look at it i see the countryside :p
 It not really big. Perfect for a book, wallet, phone, tissue holder and some other small things.
 It has a big lovely button for closure - I didn't have any zippers I could use!!
 As you can see the interior is made of a beautiful flowery vintage fabric.
 And I used a felt applique I made few years ago.. it says 'You are sewed in my heart' :)
 The back has a zippered pocket for my phone.. I thought that it doesn't have sense to make phone pockets inside the bag because you have to open it one thousand times a day..
 A backpocket is a better solution, don't you think?? :)
Here you can see more or less how big it is.. I love bags like this or bigger - I really have to carry a lot of things with me everywhere I go.. true woman haha :)

I sewed on the lace on the front pocket inspired by this bag {click!}.

And a Happy Birthday for me! Yes.. it's my 22nd birthday and the first day of Autumn in Poland! I will be organising a giveaway soon because of that.. well every reason is good!

Have a wonderful day,

Friday, September 21, 2012


Halloween.. well it's not really here but it's close! Some of you started preparing for it for sure!
I decided to try making a fabric pumpkin from this {click!} tutorial.. just for fun.. and it can be a nice decoration when the real halloween will come :)
It looks like a super easy tutorial but omg.. I had so many troubles with making this pumpkin!
I was making it about an hour - that is waaaay too long for something like this! But maybe it's because I had to sew it by hand, and I really don't have patience for hand sewing..
As you can see it's quite small. I added some fabric leaves to make it prettier and I sewed some felt to the bottom (to hide my ugly stitches!).
I have to admit it looks quite cute, and I'll try to make more and bigger ones soon but first I have to forget how angry I got making this one.. haha :)
Are you making some stuff for autumn and halloween? I usually don't so it's something new (and weird) for me! Haha :) 

Have a wonderful day,

P.S. Oooooh! I forgot to thank you all for keeping your fingers crossed for my exams! I told you it will help! I passed everything! Yay!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Garland Pillowcase

Today I would like to show you one of my latest pillow cases.. I always liked making them and giving them to my friends and family :) Few weeks ago I sewed the Foxy Pillow Case for myself and now I made another one for my bed :) They don't really fit together but I like this colorful mixture!
This one I created for Art-Piaskownica's Craft Challenge :) This DT is such a motivation for me!
Used my new lovely flowery-dotty blue fabric.. I'm in love with it!!
And how much work I had MAKING THESE PHOTOS! You can't even imagine.. I tried to make a good photo for two hours! And I was waiting two days for a good daylight!
As you can see the trimming has two colours - why? Well I run out of the blue one haha!
Above you can see some of the pillows I made for our home.. You can see the progress seriously.. especially when looking at the one in the bottom!

Uhh.. I'm so stressed actually.. I have an important (last chance!) exam tomorrow. Please keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow! It always helps :)

Have a wonderful week,

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekender Vanity Bag

Today I would like to show you my new Weekender Traveller Vanity Bag. Why weekender? Well when I was visiting my friends only for the weekend I always took a huge vanity bag - because I didn't have a smaller one of course. Now I sewed a bag with a perfect weekender size - only for a shampoo, face gel, body gel, eyeliner and my 'lovely' braces. Nothing more is needed, right?
As you can see it's quite flat and has a cotton tape so I can hang it somewhere in the bathroom.
 I used one of my last wooden buttons - I love them so so much and need to find more! MORE!
Here you can see my weekender survival kit, hehe :) It also has a small pocket inside for the small things like cotton buds, cotton balls and other small similar things.
 It's not 100% as I wanted it to came out.. but what can I say.. Not every day is good for sewing!
I hope you like it a bit more than I do and that your days are full of creative ideas and lots and lots of creative work!

Have a wonderful day,

P.S. Thank you so much for nice comments about my Inspiration Board Tutorial!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Tutorial: Inspiration Board

Hello! As you can see I just can't learn all the time..! I decided to make a little tutorial for my Art-Piaskownica's Recycle Challenge! This time I would like you to recycle old clothespins!
I made an inspiration board for this challenge and thought that I could show you how to make a simple board like this! If you are interested please use it! And If you do, I would be really pleased if you mentioned that you used my little DIY project! :)

Have fun and show me your boards when you are finished!

Ok now this will really be an easy and quick tutorial. You will spend about 30-40 minutes making this inspiration board! Very very quick and nice looking project! :)

First collect needed equipment:
- regular hammer
- fabric of your choice (I used black because my room is already too colorful but I recommend using flowery or striped fabric - it will be an interesting effect!)
- simple/vintage pins or regular nails/pegs
- clothespins
- canvas stretcher (you can buy it in art & craft shops or just destroy an old painting if you have one that you don't really need any more - I destroyed one of my old paintings)
- colorful ribbons or stripes.. whatever you want really!
I couldn't find anywhere in my flat pegs with a good size.. but fortunately I found some vintage pins in my dad's drawer! Oh I am so happy I found them, they will look much better than regular nails!
 Ok now the most difficult part - take your hammer, pins and the canvas stretcher and start hammering your stretched (but stretch it really good!) fabric to the canvas stretcher.
 Here you have shown the order of hammering pins/pegs.. why is it important? Well if you will do it like on the photo below your fabric will be perfectly stretched without any ugly folds.
Now if you have finished take your ribbons and again pegs/pins.
 And start attaching your ribbons to the canvas stretcher using your hammer and pins/pegs.
Repeat it as many times as you want. I have a small frame so I used only 4.
Now the part with clothespins. I painted them with simple nail polishes. The cloudy one I got from Antilight few months ago - it looks amazing! You can also decorate it using washi tape - it will be much faster than waiting for the nail polish to dry..!
 Now attach your colorful clothespins to your colorful ribbons.. and your finished!
I took some random things and attached to the clothespins. And I have to admit that I really like how it looks now. And as you can see my walls below, black fabric was a good choice.
 My walls will collapse soon if I will add more pictures on them!
I hope that this little tutorial will be useful for at least one person!
And please tell me if you would like to see tutorials more often on my blog..

Have a wonderful and inspiring day,

P.S. See the cable organiser at the last photo? I got it from Niebieski-Igielnik! We had a lovely swap not a long time ago.. But I'll show you more later! :)

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Art Journal Pages

 Long time without posts with my art-journal pages! I completely forgot to show you them!
I created a few more but they are really not worth showing.. Here are some that I quite like:

Left: 'I'm not myself these days'
Right: 'heart has it's own memory'
'Waiting for..'
 'Stop creating opportunities'
 'This is my escape'
 'I shoot people away'
 'I can do everything so be careful'
 'Tell me what happened'
(I found this photo in an old album I bought at a flea market)
 And here something different. Few days ago I saw a Molesking Book Journal somewhere in the internet and I was in love with the idea of it. Decided to create something similar for myself because mostly when I write down my favourite quotations I loose them quickly.. this little notebook will help me keep them in one place and I will find everything easily thanks to separating cards with letters! :) It has pages with printed text like 'author, title, date read' etc. to help organise everything. 
That do you think about my new journal pages? I'm not very good at journaling but I really love showing my emotions in them.. as you probably noticed! :)

P.S. Keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow!

Materials used in every journal page from this post are from a lovely shop SODAlicious!
Have a wonderful week,