
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Animal Pattern Planner

Hello all! Uhh I had such a rough week! I'm so happy I have today's evening just to myself.. as soon as I will finish this post I'm going to bed with some hot chocolate and a book! :)
I made this planner some time ago but completely forgot about it! The cover is made from a lovely fabric with an animal pattern. The inside is from a fine canvas.
 It has 400 pages with 5 separating cards, and an elastic band for closure and a pen.
 Cards have patterns on both sides as you can see :)
It's still available if someone's interested!

Outside the blog world news:
- my and my lovely friend Bee bought tickets for the upcomming concert of Brodka (great Polish artist)! Yay! Can't wait to hear her live! Sooo excited!
- i visited the oculist yesterday.. and guess what.. I'll be wearing glasses! No all time, just when I'm driving and when I'm at school but still it's kinda weird cuz I had a really great vision always (until now!)
- I'm so broke I even don't have fuel for my car!!

Hope you have a nicer week than I,


  1. Notesik cudny jak zawsze - super zwierzakowy material! mnie tez slepota dopadla - na szczescie nie musze okularow nosic non stop...zycze lepszego tygodnia xxx

  2. Notes świetny ! Tkanina las od razu wywołała uśmiech na mojej twarzy :) Z okularami, no cóż...znam to - też zawsze myślałam, że widzę dobrze dopóki z ostatniej ławki nie przestałam widzieć indeksów stechiometrycznych na chemii ;) A ceny paliwa...nie warto komentować, każdy wie jak jest niestety :(

  3. Piekny notesior :*

    ahaha, a ja bym chciała, żeby mi okulista powiedział, że mam nosić okulary :P zawsze chciałam, ale "niestety" wzrok mam bardzo dobry :D

  4. Jaki miś :)))

  5. Is this planner still available?

  6. Melonie - yes it is still available! just contact me by e-mail if you are interested :)


Thank you for your comment! <3