
Thursday, December 13, 2012

A little bit of this.. and a little bit of that :)

Uhh.. still no time for sewing, mostly because I stay at my friend's house all the time
(she lives next to my University and we really have better grades when we learn together!)
so again I have to show you some things I made a couple of weeks ago :)
 Some time ago we (me & Antilight) decided to make another little swap!
 I sewed for her a mini vanity bag and two tissue holders :) I send it few days ago with a christmas card (one of the cards you had seen in the previous post).
But it's not that I don't do anything creative at all! Two days ago I received a wonderful gift from my friend Bee.. she gave me a set of Sharpie Fabric Markers! Ohh you can't imagine how happy I am! I have been planning to buy them for a long time!

I had to try them out so I drew some feathers on my friend's pijama (she liked it so much that she washed it immediately and wore it the next day - not as a pijama anymore!)
Yesterday when I came back home I found an old simple blouse, of course
I decided to play with my new markers..
 And feathers again! It's not a piece of art, but It's always fun to wear
something you (almost) did by yourself, right? :)
 I thought that the colour will loose some saturation after washing, but it really didn't!
 Now I think that maybe these markers weren't such a good idea.. I'll draw something on every single fabric I have! Uhh.. but It's really fun - that's most important! :)

Hope you have a nice day,


  1. świetne te koszulki Ci wyszły, nawet nie wiedziałam, że są takie długopisy do ciuchów :) dawno temu, jak mazałam po ciuchach, to musiałam się bawić z cienkim pędzelkiem! chociaż pewnie wtedy nie było czegoś takiego...

  2. jeżuuuuuu, te koszulki są geniaaaaallllllne.

  3. REWELACJA!!! CUDOWNE!!! Te piórka są GENIALNE! Czekam na następne projekty! :-)

  4. awww :* rzeczy od Ciebie są boskie :))

    a te pióra na koszulkach mnie powalają.

  5. Piórka cudne, rzeczywiście. A pisaki do kupienia w Croppie.

  6. Beautiful !! Always find inspiring idea at your blog :)

  7. Przepięknie :).. Szycie wychodzi Ci perfekcyjnie :). Bluzki super!

  8. Cudne koszulki. Świetnie szyjesz :)

  9. absolutely awesome your feather t-shirt. i'd buy one if you made them for sale !

  10. świetne są te Twoje koszulki! :D

  11. Świetnie marysz!!! Ale ci zazdraszczam tych szarpików :)

  12. Jedno słowo mi się nasuwa na myśl gdy patrze na Twoją koszulke - GE NIA LNA ! :D


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