
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Foxy & Elvis

I have some things to show you from the past few months. I make photos and then put them in a special folder on my computer and of course.. I forget about them.

Today I would like to show you a huge notebook with rough pages.
 It's size is A5 and it has 300 pages - imagine how big it is in reality!
 Beside the rough pages it is very simple. I just used two pieces of fabric.
I also made a matching tissue holder to this notebook :)
Nothing peculiar really but I thought you might like to see it! :)

Few months ago I made a wee gift for Jaszmurka
 As she is a genuine journaling artist (in my meek opinion) she needs her basic journaling supplies always in her bag. That is why I decided to make this pencil/crochet case.
 It is also not complicated etc. but I really hope she liked it. The fact I like about it is that it can be used as a journaling supplie case or crochet case - depending on her mood! :)
I made a similar one for myself about a year and a half ago, but it had one enormous fault - it didn't have the flap and all of my pencils were falling out of the case!

I hope your day is awesome,


  1. Super notatnik i etui na chusteczki !! Uwielbiam ten motyw z liskami :)
    A Jaszmurka to szczęściara, że taki fajowy i przydatny prezent dostała.

  2. Ojojojoj, piórnik z Elvisem <3
    Jest cudowny, moje narzędzia piśmiennicze też o takim marzą ;)

  3. cudowne foxy! zakochałam się!

  4. Prześliczne. A notatnik wręcz imponujący :)

  5. świetne są, i listy i Elvis :D

  6. Świetny prezencior! Sama kiedyś coś podobnego szylam sobie na kredki w plener, tylko zrobilam z gumkami jak w piórniku, i irytujące było ich wyjmowanie. Taki piórnik jest o wiele lepszy :)


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