
Thursday, June 17, 2010

kornelia's dress

my sewing machine (Kornelia) has a cover (dress)! i was sick of the plastick cover which  she had from the day i bought her, now she has a colorful and usefull cover. it has 2 pockets: one for the instruction book (it always lays on the desk, and i really don't like mess on my desk - one the contrary my room. i have always a big mess in my room but not on my desk! ;d) ad the second one for the scissors (usually i have them hidden in a tin but sometimes i have to use them not for fabrics so i have to keep them close).

the plastic cover i wrote about earlier

and the new cover (dress) from fabrics i bought yesterday;d

hope you like it! cuz i do;p at last something colorful!

edit: 22:17
and a pot holder fo my mom, patchwork is so so so so difficult to do! and it was only 3 elements and still it was difficult;o ;d


  1. Widzę, że Kornelia sama sobie uszyła ubranko ;)

  2. ee no wlasciwie to masz racje;d

  3. Swietny pokrowiec. Te kieszonki sa bardzo sprytne! Ja wlasnie przed chwila uszylam drugi pokrowiec, ale taki wiazany po bokach.


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