
Friday, June 18, 2010

morning sewing

5 coasters for my mom (they look more cute in reality!)
and a matching mousepad to my computer :) and (a noticed it a moment ago) matching to my mouse! ;d
hope you like it :) now a break and maybe i'll sew something later, i just want to sew, sew, sew, sew!

i wish i had more fabric with the heart pattern and the blue with flowers one. i have from each about 20cm left! and they are so easy to sew and they areso beautiful!


  1. hi! I love your blog :) and your creations :) I make journals too and just learning to sew..
    Can I ask if you put anything in between the fabric for the coaster or do you just put two fabric together and sew? :)
    Thanks! :)

  2. Hi Agnes,

    Thanks for your response on my blog! :) hmm... then I guess I will do it based on what I want to use it for then! :) Thanks for sharing! :)

    Hugs :)


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