
Sunday, December 12, 2010

dinosaur's poop / kupa dunozaura

well.. i passes business english test on Wednesday.. and i had a pretty good result :) i'm happy because of it.. cuz i was learning  threw the weekend and the day before the test.. so i'm glad that i didn't waste that time :) tomorrow i have an important test from linguistics and i have to admit that i really don't like this subject cuz it won't be usefull in the future. bleh. i hope i'll pass tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed - it always helps :):)

and now something about the 'topic' of this post.. something about dinosaur's poop this is the name for my new.. beautiful sofa/chair.. my dad named it dinosaur's poop and i really like the name ahaha;d
and here it is:
bad photos i know

it is enormous!!!! it doesn't look that big on those photos but it really is super big (well for me)
about 50cm high and about 110cm wide. i love it!!!!!! and i'm going to spend the whole day sitting in it and.. learning -_- except the fact that i'm broke after this purchase and the fact that i'll be learning the whole day i am super happy ahaha;d

and here..
 you can see the most beautiful tights i have ever seen. of course i had to buy them. it was love from first sight. oh i can't wait to wear them! please winter go away quick!!

well now i'm going to go drink yerba mate and learn. shoi.
have a nice day!

ohh! i forgot to say that my computer is in a service, so i'll won't visit your blogs as often as usually. now i'm lucky cuz my parents went somewhere and i can use theirs' computer;d niach niach;d

miss you A.;*

1 comment:

  1. Evillll ;] Ja od zawsze chciałam takie cus miec w pokoju , taką puffe, ehh ale spokojnie jeszcze sobie taka kupie :) na pewno jest mega wygodna! ucz , sie ucz bo nauka to potęgi klucz! :)


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