
Thursday, December 23, 2010

long time no see..

i was quite busy all this month.. trying to pass few tests and trying to not be an idiot at the university. yh.. but finally.. i'm relaxing. unfortunately.. my relaxing comes with an enormous headache killing me from Tuesday. ouch.

few days ago, i decided to make 2 packing papers by myself. and here they are.. they really look good in reality. those photos are reaaaaaaally baaaaad.

painted packing paper no.1
 painted packing paper no.2
i wish those photos could be better! but i was to sleepy to thing about good photos after finishing packing :)

and here: two sets of coasters. each set has 6 coasters! i started doing this first set for my granny for Christmas, cuz my parents said i have to make them as a present for her;p but during sewing those Owly coasters my parents said that they want those coasters! so.. i said that i'll make them a set later.. after Christmas..
 but i didn't i made them also yesterday, and i'll put this tiny present udner the Christmas Tree also for my parents :)
 on the photo above, the first set is for my parents and the set below is for my granny. they really look better in reality, they look really nice..
 such small things to sew.. but it took me about 2/3h to make them. i dunno how;p

and here, except those two sets of coasters, you can see two covers for notebooks. first one, the striped one is for me.. for my callendar and the second one, the flowery one is for my cousin Asia :) she picked the fabric, and she picked the notebook with a little of red on the edges. i hope she will like it :):) when she will receive it.. i just have to sew the pages and the covers together.. but it will take probably few hours..
now i have to stop writing cuz i have to help my mom in prepares for Christmas eve.
tomorrow.. maybe.. there will be a suprise for my readers.. if not tomorrow.. for sure it will be somewhere between the 24th and 31st December.
now i really have to finish this (unfortunately) short post.
hope your Christmas will be full of joy!



  1. Wow the packing paper and the coasters look great! I could never make anything like that! you're talented :)

  2. świetne podkładki!
    czy ja dobrze zrozumiałam, że papier robiłaś sama?! jestem pełna podziwu, świetnie wyszedł

    pozdrawiam i wspaniałych, radosnych Świąt życzę :)

  3. o rany! papier jest fantastyczny!!! prezenty musiały być dla naprawdę wyjątkowych osób jesli chciało Ci się go malować :)

  4. miałam napisać jeszcze o podkładkach :P są śliczne. sama zabieram się za uszycie kilku od niepamiętnych czasów... powiedz mi tylko, czy wkładasz coś pomiędzy warstwy materiału? np. filc? (słyszałam, że niektórzy tak robią...)

    a jeśli mogę jeszcze słówko nie na temat, to mogłabyś rozważyć wrzucanie większych zdjęć :) wiem, że powiększają się po kliknięciu, ale otwieranie wszystkich po kolei bywa czasem irytujące, a takie malutkie np. dla mojego krótkkwzrocznego oka bywają zmorą. a przede wszystkim Twoje prace i zdjęcia są warte dobrego wyeksponowania :]

  5. że Ci się chciało malować te papiery... ;p podziwiam :))


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