
Sunday, December 26, 2010

free time.. Christmas time..

i finished my calenar.. and i really like it :) it's 'fat' and small (A6)
 as you can see I used few materials for the cover..
 and I started to write inside.. :)

and here something else.. an album.. lomo album :) i don't know what happened with those photos but i asure you that the album is round o.O
i'll show you those photos when i'll scan them. i developed another lomo fisheye film on Tuesday.. when i'll get my computer back i'll have a lot of work..
 those photos are brighter in reality, my mobile phone camera isn't that good..

  i really really thing it looks good in reality. it's super simple cuz i don't have patience to scrapbooking.. but in this case, simple means good :)

and some new journal pages.. this one below is strange, i dunno why i did it;p
the second page, with one of my favourite quotations from N. Gaiman's book 'American Gods'
 that paper-clip is drawn :)
 and the third page.. also nothing special.. just two quotations and a photo.. :)
ok. now i'm finishing writing this post cuz i have to start wrtiting another one quick! :)

hope you liked my new creatures ;)

1 comment:

  1. baaardzo mi się podoba ta okładka w paseczki :) też rozważałam zrobienie sobie kalendarza, ale stwierdziłam, że zbyt dużo pracy wymagałoby zrobienie "środka"... może w przyszłym roku :)


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