
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

some today's crap

making things really helps me relax.. i should have been doing homework today morning.. but i just couldn't.. i am too stressed these days.. so.. i started.. making.. some crap :)

first, i have found my old.. little.. painting in my drawer.. well i was suprised to see it there. but i'm happy i found it.. it's simple.. but i really like it.
on the red tape there is a sign telling something about mannequins..

new journal page.. there is something written now on the turquise background, but it's privet ahah;d 
 you can see also few stamps.. i got them from my dad, he has a collection of stamps from the times he was in my age. i just took the ones which he had two or more.. i could not destroy his old hobby! so just a few lovely old stamps :)
you can also see a book of '42 love letters' (i bought it cuz there was Gaiman's one letter.. i love his works!)
as you can see my journal is getting bigger and bigger! 
those who are watching me for few months, know that this is my first handmade vintage notebook.. from this little one everything started :)

and 2 new pages from my album, here you can see the cover :)
it really looks better in reality.. i know im not good in scrapbooking;p but i like to make something.. sometimes;p

my photoooo.. of my writing machine and cover of my sewing machine.. xd
like it ;d haha

hope your not bored!



  1. Jacie jacie, piękne turkusowe strony, znaczek pasuje idealnie ! :D

  2. You make a very lovely point :)
    and wow, that's terrible. Your work is fabulous!

    I love the new layout of your blog!


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