
Monday, June 20, 2011

Cupcake Corner Bakery

Saturday was quite and busy and interesting day :) I have visited Kraków (Cracow) with my A. We were in the cinema watching Super 8. And I have to admit it was a really good move. I was fascinated with the special effects! Especially in the moment when the train crushed. Just beautiful!
We were walking around the town, eating, shopping and having fun.. one of the best things during our little trip was.. visiting the Cupcake Corner Bakery! As you probably know (if you are reading my blog for a while) I love cupcakes. Not love, but lovelove! I'm enchanted by that little cucpake and coffee house. I was so glad we found it! Here is a little photo relation from the Cupcake Corner Bakery (little because we weren't able to make any good photos, but I hope you will like them!)

here you can see our little order. we bought two coffees and three cupcakes and we didn't pay much! I was so happy it was cheap enough to buy a few cucpakes to taste!
 I don't remember the name of this cucpake :( but it was delicious!
  Carrot Cake (it is my favourite now. seriously it was the best cucpake I have ever eaten!)
 Peanut butter cake (I hope I didn't mix up the names!)
 the chairs were very comfortable, and I liked the climate of the place. A. and I just think the room where people eat (the second room) should be painted in a 'cupcake' colour. Not white walls. It should be more colorfull :) but beside that everything is nice!
and I am i loooove with the lamps! such a great idea! they look amazing in the second room!
I am veeery sorry for the bad photos, but we had a 'bad photo day' :)

If you visit Cracow some day, and you love cupcakes.. remember this address:
Bracka 4, 31-005 Kraków, Poland
(its almost on the main marketplace)


  1. I love cupcakes as weel, oh I wa sos spoiled with them when we used to live in the UK, but now in Istanbul you have so many difficulties to find some, gosh.... :) I want to visit Krakow asap :)

  2. Marysza! Nie uwierzysz, ale dzisiaj po egzaminie, oczekując na wyniki poszłam do kapkejka i siedziałam nawet w tym samym miejscu co Ty :P tyle że kupiłam "Marmurek", nie marchewkowego ;) Kawy jeszcze nie piłam tam... A tak dla zainteresowanych dodam, że jest w Krakowie jeszcze drugie Cupcake Corner Bakery przy Michałowskiego jakby ktoś miał tam bliżej ;) Pozdrawiam z Krakowa :)

  3. jaaa to ja już wiem gdzie sie wybrać ;] mniaaam :D

  4. Yummy :)
    KOKO ¨^_^¨

  5. na pewno się wybiorę! :)


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