
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

project 100+ bindings: project 3

new project! it is a bit modified.. well.. I just think sometimes that few projects from this book are really really weird.. and instructions are sometimes not clear enough for me.. so I decided to modifie this one a bit! :)
introducing.. project 3! (I had so much fun painting these letters;p)
I made two small books. Peper from this shop.
 the first book with the 'books' sign will be a notebook for books I read - my oppinions about them, comments and with books I would like to read :)
 these two notebooks are very simple :) I don't know if I want to decorate the covers.. I love wood grains and I don't want to hide them under any scrapbooking accesories :)
 the second book is waiting for its use.. maybe I will think of something soon
 wood grain <3 I am dreaming of a fabric just like this paper!
in reality it looks prettier - photos from my phone

hope you like it!


  1. Those look lovely! You did a great job :)

  2. świetne! sądzę, że nie potrzebują więcej ozdób - tak jest idealnie :)

  3. koniecznie muszę sobie zrobić książkowy notatnik :)
    twoje są świetne i również moim zdaniem zbędne są dodatkowe ozdoby :)

  4. o ja tez mam ksiazkowy journal w planie, piekny papier! a nie boisz sie, ze moga sie rozki troche sponiewierac z czasem?

  5. worqshop - ja lubie sponiewierane rozki;D wiec jak juz sie takie zrobia to w ogole nie bedzie mi to przeszkadzac:D

  6. looks really good :)! i just discovered your blog and i'm in love with your crafty stuff! i'm a new follower:) check out my blog if you have time!


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