
Monday, June 06, 2011

project 100+ bindings: project 2

hello! I didn't expect I'll make and post something this week but fortunately I passed an important test today and I don't have to take my exam on Wednesday! I had to celebrate it.. so I made a new project from 'the' book. if there is someone who doesn't know what I'm talking about go to this post and check! :)
I'm not doing these projects by the order from the book.. just which I like to do in this specific moment. today I wanted to experiment with thread&binding and here is what I created!
the size of the book is 11,2x14,4x1,8cm it's quite cute in the reality :) I just can't make any good photos lately!
there are a lot of different pages, from simple checked ones, through colorful papers from ILS and, brown paper, old pages from books etc. etc.
160 pages (counting both sides) - quite a lot! and I still have no idea what I will use this journal for! I called it a journal because it's too colorful  and odd-looking for a simple notebook!

here you can see some pages, forgot to mention that you can find here pieces of an old map too :)
the image of the typewriter is from the internet.. I have no idea of the source! So if you happen to know the artist who made this image please tell me! pretty please!
i'm not really a good scrapbooker so don't shout at me for this not very pretty cover;p
ahh! thick, colorful and weird!

do you like it?

have a nice week! I have to start studying for tomorrow.. 6 awful tests! keep your fingers crossed!


  1. nic nie zrozumiałam,ale okładka rewelacja:]

  2. przedwczoraj zrobiłam siedem żurnali po koło 50stron właśnie z takich rożnych kartek, papierów od tuszowania, pokrytych najróżniejszymi mediami, stron z książek, kalki białek i kolorowej, kopert, japońskiej gazety i paru innych pierdół :D dziś lub jutro wrzucę na blog.

    gratki zdanego egzaminu :D
    podziwiam Cię, wyzwanie z setką notesów :d ha :D ciekawe ile Ci to zajmie. :)))

  3. mi sie bardzo podoba! I like it and I like it and like it!


  4. awesome!
    i love the mix of patterns on the pages, and the map is so pretty! good work :)

  5. Jestem w szoku! To jest CUDO!!!!!!!!!!:)

  6. Jak ja marzę aby mieć choć jeden twój notes w domu! To po prostu było by różnienie w ramkę bym go oprawiła:)


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