
Thursday, June 09, 2011

a bit of free time during exams

jewellery (shopping), felt and cupcakes = a bit of free time!!

yesterday my A. made me a nice suprice - he visited me unexpectedly! it sounds silly but we live a bit far away from each other (40km - and we don't have a car) so this visit was really really lovely! we went for a fast shopping and sat in the park and drank beer.. :) it was a really lovely evening!

I want to show you what I bought.. well not everything, just these two special treasuries! I love these earings and this ring!!! just love them! they were screaming Agnes (!) from the shelf!! I had to buy them :)
this ring is giant - the biggest I ever had! and so looong looong earings.. green earings look very nice with my red hair :)
 yesterday morning I sat and.. started making a phone cover from felt. I don't remember the last time I was doing something from felt, seriously. but I'm very happy I did it because it reminded me how relaxing it is!
maybe it isn't anything perfect or specially beautiful but I really like it. It's a bigger that my phone a bit, but I'm expecting a new one soon and it should fit it perfectly (hope so!)
 I'm in love with clouds recently as you can see from my wallet, notebooks and drawings etc. etc.!

oh and I made cupcakes today.. I think I'm doing cupcakes too often.. seriously :) I love this book I have with A LOT of recipes and I love every new one I try! :) and it's even more fun from the time I received these cupcake accesories from my cousin :) thank you Asia!
have a nice day! my free time ended.. I have to learn phonetics for tomorrow..


thank you A. for that wonderful suprise ;*
Ann! prepare for my visit at the end of the month! can't wait!!

oh! p.s. I bought my first sandals ever! ha! ;p


  1. aaaaaa, świetny ten pierścionek!!!

  2. Ta babeczka wygląda pysznie,a kolczyki są świetne <3

  3. piękny pierścień, ja mam za małe rączki na takie wielkie cuda, cholernie zazdroszcze tym długopalczastym :D śliczny chmurkowy pokrowiec:D babeczka jest smakowita, no i ja od jutra zakuwam na egzamin licencjacki :(

  4. That phone pouch thingie is so cute! I love clouds myself, and well.. it just is too cute!

  5. cuda wypatrzyłaś :) nie dziwię Ci się, że musiałaś je zakupić ;) no i kusisz tymi babeczkami znowu kurde no! :D

  6. I'm glad you like it! Hah ohh, soon you'll be in haven, but first i need save some money ;P , Aaaa can't wait ;] Ohh and letter i will send soon! Promise! :) Take care :)

  7. I like the look of that cupcake book! I like baking too :)


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