
Thursday, August 18, 2011

a patchwork bed cover

About a month ago I started this -neverending- project. I cut the fabric and started sewing. But then I noteiced that I didn't cut enough squares.. so I had to cut more.. 105 squares.. maybe for advanced sever it's not many.. but for me it's really a lot! And a lot of work too!
It covers my bed perfectly (maybe on photos it doesn't look very good but I just can't make any good photos :( As you can see it is for a one person bed :)
The back of the bed cover is white- made of an old stiff sheet from my granny - good it is stiff because it makes it like more resistant!
The worst (the longest) task was to sew through every joint with a double seam. Good I had a double needle - it was my first time with it :) But it made the job a lot more easy!
Do you like it? Are you a patchwork fan? Well, maybe I don't have a lot of patchworks (only 3) but I really admire people who make very difficult quilts.. and I really love to see patchworks everywhere! :)
And what a beautiful suprise I found in the mail today!
 A beautiful tag from Martyna! I always loved her tags and now I have one!
And it has a wonderful and inspiring sign on it..
Thank you Martyna so so much! I don't know why have you sent it to my.. but I am very thankful! Thank you again!


P.S. I forgot to tell you that I got a tiny suntan today - maybe for you guys it's nothing important but it means that we had sun today! And it was first sun this holidays that I experienced! ;o


  1. Hola!

    Im a fan of patch work, ive never done it, but im a fan!:p Your quilt looks great, you really did a great job, I love the sorf colors <3

    P.s what a great phrase in that tag(:

    Hope you re having an awesome day Marysza!

    Carmila Ponycat

  2. Carmila - thank you! It is really crooked, but it's big so you don't really notice it hehe :D Oh and the funniest thing is that I didn't really sort the colours! I just took what was close to my hand and cut it! :D

  3. :) piękna narzuta!

    lubię robić niespodzianki, ot tyle ;)

  4. Uwielbiam takie neverending story, które któregoś dnia zostają zrealizowane i cieszą oko. A Twoja narzuta taka właśnie jest!

  5. ale piękna narzuta!! kojarzy mi się... z Anią z Zielonego Wzgórza :)) też bym kiedyś taką chciała uszyć :P

  6. cudna,mnie tez to szybko nudzi i męczy -uszyłam dwie w życiu i nadal mam niesmak hahhaa

  7. noo, fajnie sobie zrobić takie większe cudo w dodatku tak użyteczne :)

  8. its beautiful!!
    I never get tired of your posts!
    Keep up the awesomeness lady. :)

  9. Thank you for commenting on my blog!
    This patchwork bed cover is so cute!
    I love patchwork too!

  10. łałałiła! przepiękna wyszła! zazdrość!!

  11. wow it's great - and you did it in 1 month! I'm impressed. It would take me forever.

  12. Aww! Thank you ladies so so much for your lovely comments! This patchwork was a very long project for me (even if it is a simple patchwork made of squares) and I'm relly glad you like it! Like -Jednoiglec- said, sometimes it's good to have a neverending sewing story!


  13. i love it! I am hoping to make a scrap quilt sometime soon, but I just don't have the time to get it down with full time classes and all. but yours is BEAUTIFUL!


Thank you for your comment! <3