
Friday, August 19, 2011

project 100+ bindings: project 4

After a very long break.. the time has come for..
It's not perfectly like from the 100+ bindings book. There was also shown how to make the cover, but I decided to make a cover from an old, small book with a nice little drawing on the front cover.
I always wanted a notebook which looks like a book!
It's quite small. The measurments:
width - 9cm
height - 14,5cm
depth - 3cm

And it has just a bit olden pages - I didn't want it very thick :)
Isn't this 'drawing' interesting?
And the tittle of the book. It quite fits a notebook. The tittle is: General Overhaul /or/ Major Repairs. Quite good tittle for a journal, art journal or something like that, isn't it?
The pages are from my very old notebook. It wasn't used for ages (few years) so I decided to use the pages for something usefull;p
You probably didn't notice, but the pages are a bit purple and there are gentle purple flowers. And it's my first notebook with checkered pages!!
I bought this book few months ago in an antiquarian bookshop - just because of the cover!! I knew I will do something out of it one day!
And as usually my question: Do you like it?! :d

P.S. This book is participating in Art Piaskownica's game here:
Take a peek! ;d


  1. ale by mi się taka marzyła, żeby zapisywać w niej codziennie coś. może pomyślisz o mnie? jakaś wymiana, czy coś? :* super wygląda!

  2. hi!(:

    i really Really like it! I would love to have a fancy notebook like this one. I really love hard cover old books. And that little drawing (even though i dont understad what it is:p) i think its perfect, surrounded by all that space, the odd little perfect drawing...

    well...goodnight (sorry if any of this sounded strange but is late at night here...):p

    Carmila Ponycat

  3. Duś - dobry pomysl, tylko na razie nie mam czasu (mam w kolejce juz chyba 2/3 panie do wymianki i teraz jedna wlasnie zrealizowalam) to sie umowilmy troszke pozniej:D moze np. we wrzesniu? :D

    The Ponycats - I understand your comment perfectly :D I also don't know what that drawing is showing haha! but for sure it's cute!! :D

  4. Podoba się bardzo ;-). Muszę nauczyć się robić takie notesy. U mnie wszelkie kartki zapisują się bardzo szybko. Rysunkami, wzorami chemicznymi i całymi reakcjami, opowiadaniami, wierszami, piosenkami. Jestem nieogarniętym duchem i podziwiam absolutnie podziwiam za dar ogarniania cudownego materiału jakim jest papier.

  5. Ok nie ma sprawy, tak się cieszę bardzo! Tylko daj mi znać na mejla co byś chciała ode mnie ;*

  6. It looks amazing! I'd love to have one, too.

  7. It's beautiful!!! The drawing is fantastic, I love it C:

    ugly plants

  8. No nieźle to sobie wykombinowałaś. Teraz każdy może napisać swoją własną powieść :) podoba mi się bardzo.


Thank you for your comment! <3