
Sunday, November 06, 2011

Autumn Post vol.2 + Cuddly Cowl

 Can you believe that there is still no snow?! And we still have a super beautiful autumn! And it's very warm too! Unbelieveable! I'm happy it's not very cold, because I can wear my new gift which I received from.. Charlie which has a very inspiring blog Polka Dots are Love!
She gave me a beautiful, cozy and very cuddly cowl she made!
Thank you sooo sooo much Charlie! I really love it already!
It's really really wonderful! The colour as you can see is grey, but this grey has a perfect tone. It will fit almost all my clothes! Here are some photos with this new beauty!
 I am so happy that it's still warm and colorful outside.. I had to take my boy for a walk in the forest in his town.. again.. and make some new photos!!
Photos aren't artistic or 'fashion' as you can see :) I just wanted to show you my new cuddly cowl! :) My hair is very unfotogenic lately.. so please don't look at it;p
On the photo above I'm attacking my boy;d haha! Poor Alan! He really didn't know I want to jump on him;p Silly photo - but I love it! ;d
Ahh.. can you see it? Plain blue sky behind the trees? Beautiful view.. :)

Can't wait for Friday. My plan? Finishing 8 new notebooks!

P.S. If you really really like my notebooks.. there is a nice giveaway at Little Chief Honeybee! You can win a custom notebook! Everything as you wish - pages, colour and pattern! If you are interested just hop on to Kaelah's blog!



  1. I love these photos- and the colours of the forest are so beautiful!!

  2. Such a pretty cowl. I'm jealous!

    Stopping by from Little Chief Honeybee. :)

  3. piekna polska, złota jesień.... tęsknię za nią bardzo!!!!
    zjęcia śietne (uwielbiam połączenie pomarańczowego z niebieskim- niewiedząc czemu :)) a szczególnie te, na którym maltretujesz swojego

  4. I am so glad you love it!! It looks wonderful on you! Love the colors over there.... The leaves are almost all fallen here! The cold is coming!


  5. Super! Piekne zdjecia. szary to fajny kolor dla dodatkow, bo zawsze praktycznie pasuje.

  6. I love the cowl!! It makes me want to go buy one right now! The weather is pretty weird here in Ohio too. Hot one day, then freezing the next. Today happens to be a freezing day lol. A cowl would be nice :)
    -Allison Kaye

  7. aaaaaaaaa wspaniały jest! no kochana do twarzy Ci w nim :D

    A to TAKA jesień :P

    buziole :*

  8. the cowl is amazing! super pretty and I bet just as great to wear! :)


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